I'll go ahead and get this out of the way first. I am not the DM of this group. I am merely someone who is in the group and has more free time to try and find someone to fill the group then the DM does. He is still fairly new to DM'ing and to Roll20 so he has tasked me with finding someone to fill the fifth spot in our group. With that out of the way, on to the actual post itself. My Way of the Wicked group is seeking one more to join our merry band of evildoers. As it stands right now we have a Half-Elf Synthesist Summoner, an Aasimar Storm Druid, a Human Cleric, and a Goblin Barbarian. You're free, and encouraged, to play whatever character you would like to play but the group could really use someone with one or two social skills trained. The player that was going to handle all of that for us had a change of schedule at work and is no longer able to join us. As a result no one in the group has any social skills trained so we are severely lacking in that department. You can either reply here in this thread, which I'll be checking periodically, or you can hit me with a PM. Either way is fine. That's about all I can think of for now so on to character creation! Character Creation Guidelines The player's guide for Way of the Wicked can be found here . Stats will be rolled. 1d10+7, four times, for one array. You will roll three arrays and take the best of the three. For your other two stats you will have an 18 and an 8 to assign. All stats can be assigned as you see fit.Rolling will be done in Roll20, with the DM present so that he can verify your stats. If you manage to roll well, congratulations! If you do not manage to roll well then that's between you and the DM. Starting gold will be zero. We just had our first session Friday and we are still in the process of trying to break out of prison so we don't have any gear at all except what we've found in the armory and on guards. No third-party material will be allowed. Yes psionics is a third-party material despite what some people seem to believe. No you cannot play a psionic character even if you ask nicely. The player's guide warns against choosing a monstrous race or something that is too far from one of the core races. You are free to choose whatever you like, as our Goblin Barbarian has done, but depending on what you choose, the book says that you may well end up being excluded from certain parts of the campaign altogether. You will be given two additional skill points per level as the player's guide suggests. You are allowed one trait of your own choosing and one crime trait from the player's guide. If none of the traits give you the bonus you want then the DM has said he is okay with refluffing a crime to fit whatever the bonus is that you are looking for. If you decide to try and refluff a trait, keep in mind that traits are roughly equivalent to half a feat. This is an evil campaign but it's not a "me vs everyone else including the party" type of campaign. It's more of an "evil vs good" campaign. We are all evil and we all need each other, as much as our evil egos might not want to admit it, to accomplish our goals. Speaking of alignment, the DM has also said that he isn't a huge fan of some of the alignment restrictions that are inherent in Pathfinder, such as Paladins being restricted to lawful good and evil clerics losing their spontaneous casting ability. The specifics of it you'll have to hammer out with him but he's pretty flexible when it comes to building your character. We use Skype during the game for voice chat and you need to have a mic to talk with the group. You won't be expected to jump right into our conversations, three of us have been in an ongoing Jade Regent game for the last few months so we are pretty familiar with each other, but having someone who isn't afraid to speak up is certainly a plus. As it stands right now we're pretty firm on our time. We have three players from the US, one player from Germany, and one player from Scotland. We play at what is somewhat of a weird time but it works for us. If you want to join but want to know if the time can be changed, the answer will mostly likely be no. I can't think of anything else for right now but if there is something I missed we can cover that once you're invited into the group.