As demonstrated here on the 5e shaped sheet. (GIF doesn't loop so may need to click)
(Gif courtesy of Alzam)
The 'reaction|bonus|action|1 min|longer' represent a radio group. When an entry is removed from the repeating section, the checkedness state of the radio group is broken, and 'longer' becomes the checked input.
From the markup point of view, it appears that whatever the last radio input is receives the 'checked' state, for any given radio group which appears *below* the repeating entry removed.
Additionally, entries added to the section after a removal have an unusual behaviour with regard to radio groups. As you can see at the end of the gif, clicking on entries in a radio group is affecting an entirely separate radio group.
(Gif courtesy of Alzam)
The 'reaction|bonus|action|1 min|longer' represent a radio group. When an entry is removed from the repeating section, the checkedness state of the radio group is broken, and 'longer' becomes the checked input.
From the markup point of view, it appears that whatever the last radio input is receives the 'checked' state, for any given radio group which appears *below* the repeating entry removed.
Additionally, entries added to the section after a removal have an unusual behaviour with regard to radio groups. As you can see at the end of the gif, clicking on entries in a radio group is affecting an entirely separate radio group.