So a little background. For starters, we all have no D&D experience so we need someone with patience and willing to help us learn. If this isn't something you're interested in, you can stop reading now, if this you're still here thanks! On to the rest of our story. As i stated we all have no D&D experience. I have about 3 sessions of tabletop experience on another platform about 20 years ago. Other than that we are all fresh as can be. We're a group of long time friends all going back at least 10 years. We all served together in the military. Since then we have been gaming together, i.e. WoW, Minecraft, LoL, HoTS, and many other games. We're laid back and like to have fun, but we're all in our mid thirties so maturity shouldn't be an issue. We got turned on to D&D watching critical role and we all found that it would be something we were interested in persuing. We're looking for something every other week, possibly once a week. Approximate day/time Mon-thurs starting 7-8 EST, but we're flexible. We don't mind if you're an experienced DM or a new one. We're just wanting to get our feet wet in this exciting new world. Obviously, an experienced DM would be best as we will need some guidance on the way, but we're open to all takers. We do have players who want to play a goblin from the D&D homebrew site, and another who would like to play a drow elf. It would be preferable to have a DM who will allow those races, but they're not opposed to drafting up different characters if need be. We're willing to put in the work. We've been working on our characters/backgrounds/back stories and how we all met in the universe for months now. Please drop us a line if this is something you're interested. We'd like to start sometime in the new few weeks.