Hey folks! I want to run the classic Tomb of Horrors module updated to 5th edition D&D rules. Interested? Please tell me about your self and why you would like to play or whatever... This game is not up and running yet. I'm just trying to see if there is enough interest before I put too much time into it. I'm about to go to work, so I will not be replying to any posts for the next few hours, but I will respond ASAP. I'm looking for only 4 players, 12th level characters, experienced players preferred. I'm semi-new to 5th edition, so people that know the rules well would help. Also, experience with the Roll20 interface would be preferred as well. I am using the 5E D&D "Shaped" character sheets. Scheduling is TBD for now. I live in Eastern United States (GMT -5) and I work most nights. Thanks! I hope to hear from ya'll soon!