Exactly as the post title says. I want to create a map that's illuminated for the players by various light sources scattered around, and I *don't* want Line of Sight enforced. But when I uncheck that option in the map settings, and I check "Has sight" for a player token, that token becomes unable to see any light beyond its own. Which is to say, if I set that token to emit light, and then I click on it and press Cmd+L to see what it sees, it sees within the radius of light that it's emitting, but sees no other light source. If I set that token to *not* emit light, that token sees nothing at all. The same applies to every token I place on the map. And yes, I did check the "All players see light" box for all the light sources. In other words, I'm not seeing the behavior described in the wiki page on Dynamic Lighting: <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/Dynamic_Lighting#Line_of_S" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/Dynamic_Lighting#Line_of_S</a>... In contrast, if I do enforce Line of Sight in the map settings, I get exactly the behavior I'm expecting - tokens see areas illuminated by external light sources within their line of sight. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong...? EDIT: I should add that when I uncheck the Line of Sight option, Line of Sight is *still* being enforced in the map. That is, if I have a token that "Has sight" and emits light, and there are obstructions in the dynamic lighting layer within its field of vision, that token can't see what's on the other side of those obstructions, exactly as if those objects are obstructing the token's, well, line of sight. So unchecking Line of Sight really isn't behaving the way it's supposed to at all.