hi guys, I'm with a problem that I REALLY dont know how to solve I'm creating macros to assist a few newbie friends to help them on decision making, their ingame names are Rhogar Norixius and Lexy Torment. That one is the macro I crated for Rhogar lvl 1 spellcasting: ?{Level 1 Spell Slots (@{spell_slots_l1})| Magic Missile, %{Rhogar Norixius |Light} | Shield, %{Rhogar Norixius |Shield} | Protection From Evil and Good, %{Rhogar Norixius |Prot-From-Evil-and-Good} | Chromatic Orb , %{Rhogar Norixius |Chromatic-Orb} | Witch bolt, %{Rhogar Norixius |Witch-Bolt} } Everything went smoothly and no problem with him, and that one is the macro I created for Lexy Metamagic ?{ Sorcery Points Avaiable(@{sorcery_points})| Empower - 1pt, %{Lexy Torment |Empower} | Quicken - 2pts, %{Lexy Torment |Quicken} } but for some unkown reason, roll20 just cant find Lexy's abilities: No ability was found for %{Lexy Torment |Empower} No ability was found for %{Lexy Torment |Quicken} and yes, I created those abilities in her menu, just like I did with Rhogar, I'm abou to rip off my hair, someone help!