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Update 1/26: 5th Edition SRD Mega-Update: New Sheet, New Compendium, plus Compendium drag-and-drop integration!

Is there an easy way to auto roll class resource die like superiority die? Best way I've found to do it is to just make it a weapon, or were they intended to be put in the weapons section?
All monster stats and magic items appear in the player compendium...anyway we can limit access to this? eg only give PCs access to PHB info, and not DMG/MM?

Edited 1454426154
Sheet Author
Rei Ke B. said: All monster stats and magic items appear in the player compendium...anyway we can limit access to this? eg only give PCs access to PHB info, and not DMG/MM? With the advent of the internet I believe the cat's out of the proverbial bag... Any player can readily access any part of the SRD just as easily as the DM. I recommend, try not to use monsters, class features, spells, etc. by their "rule book" names and discourage meta-gaming. Cheers
Compendium search seems to be broken on some fields. For example, you cannot search by casting time. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... That should bring back something, but clearly doesn't :(
Gaetan V. said: Compendium search seems to be broken on some fields. For example, you cannot search by casting time. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... That should bring back something, but clearly doesn't :( Yeah, I think something is broken when you need to use quotes for both the left and right side of the search. The data is definitely there, as you can see here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I'll take a look at that and see if I can get a fix in.
Kevin said: While many bugs have been addressed (and likely this one is considered lower priority), just making sure it doesn't get lost in the thread as it grows: Bug Report: Browsing to Categories:Items any item with an ' fails to load the item/page. e.g. - Alchemist's Supplies This should be fixed now.
NPC skills do not have a second bracket at the end for the second "advantage" d20 roll. This keeps the second roll from being rolled, so far adding a bracket after the number in the "attributes & abilities" section fixes the problem but hopefully it will be fixed in teh next update so that we don't have to manually input the brackets for every monster sheet that has skills.
Guys i just wanted to say how impressed i am with what i've seen so far. I've been waiting for the compendium update for a while, and you haven't disappointed - this is going to make our sessions more streamlined and so much easier to prepare for, not to mention making it less daunting for group members to step up & DM. You've basically got us hooked, i can't wait to try it out in a session this weekend! &nbsp;:-) Thanks for all your hard work.
GM said: Guys i just wanted to say how impressed i am with what i've seen so far. I've been waiting for the compendium update for a while, and you haven't disappointed - this is going to make our sessions more streamlined and so much easier to prepare for, not to mention making it less daunting for group members to step up & DM. You've basically got us hooked, i can't wait to try it out in a session this weekend! &nbsp;:-) Thanks for all your hard work. You're quite welcome, thanks for the kind words! :-)
This may be a silly question but, what good is an incomplete compendium? Yeah, it's great that you can do what you do, for rest of it you have to type all of it out or find it illegally (which is what a lot of people do). Why can't WOTC (particular Hasbro) just sell you digital licensing rights? But then again they do have their own platform that they support. It is just a tad frustrating and silly. Thanks!

Edited 1454517764
Hi, Will M. The 5th Edition SRD Compendium is complete insofar as it contains all of the material in WoTC's recently-released SRD . If WoTC releases more SRD content under an Open Gaming License, you can count on that being added to the Compendium. The Roll20 Dev Team is looking into adding the capacity for players to add new content to and customize their own personal version of the Compendium. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Riley D. said: FAQ's and Other Info I want to help edit the Compendium -- can I do that? Absolutely! We want the Compendium to be a community resource that everyone can contribute toward. Right now you need to contact us (drop us a line here in this thread) and let us know you're interested. We'll put you on a list to be contacted in the near future when we're ready to enable community editing features. Riley, I'm interested in helping edit the Compendium. Particularly, with helping to add the complete list of 5e spells as listed in the Player's Handbook.
Question! and maby this has allready been posted but i couldn't really find it on my clickthrough ... is there a way to make the compendium "parly" accesable f/e players can see the spells part but not the monsterstats?
Wouter said: Question! and maby this has allready been posted but i couldn't really find it on my clickthrough ... is there a way to make the compendium "parly" accesable f/e players can see the spells part but not the monsterstats? We've had a couple of people bring up this topic. The truth is that the players can just as easily keep a Google tab open and do a search for any Monster that you may be using if it's clearly labeled or they identify it "in-game". We're considering adding an option so that you can "filter" Categories from the Compendium that players don't have access to, but I'm not sure that it's anything more than security theatre :-)

Edited 1454605733
Riley D. said: Wouter said: Question! and maby this has allready been posted but i couldn't really find it on my clickthrough ... is there a way to make the compendium "parly" accesable f/e players can see the spells part but not the monsterstats? We've had a couple of people bring up this topic. The truth is that the players can just as easily keep a Google tab open and do a search for any Monster that you may be using if it's clearly labeled or they identify it "in-game". We're considering adding an option so that you can "filter" Categories from the Compendium that players don't have access to, but I'm not sure that it's anything more than security theatre :-) Some of my players have a tendancy to metagame if presented with enough information ...... it's a hard conclusion i know .... but it's true :) i just have the feeling that for them, putting it out in the roll20 tabs gives them reminders and extremely easy acces to the information and would lower the "bar" to lookup info that would stimulate Meta gaming ...
Most of my players know the Monster stats well (but are rather good about not metagaming). I rename tokens and nps sheets to something like; creature, npc, beast, etc. And maybe change a few things. I like having all of the Compendium available to players. The new SRD5 sheet (awesome btw) for npcs displays the “description” of the attack in the chat window. Both the attack and desc is there for the players to see, very easy (and hard not to) metagame. The setting to Whisper Rolls to the GM is good but it would be nice to have an option to either show or not show the description in the chat window. Thus sending just the attack roll and not desc. Maybe a check box next the desc to send to chat or not, default being yes.
That's why I never use stock monsters in serious campaigns. I have a spreadsheet I've made to build my own monsters based on D&D 5e math and still have access to the monster builder for D&D 4e.
Unsure if this has been mentioned, but a lot of the items from the Adventurer's Gear table in the SRD is missing from the compendium. The items I cannot find in the compendium: Acid (vial), Alchemist's fire (flask), Crossbow bolts, Sling bullets, Blowgun needles, Ball bearings (bag of 1,000), Block and tackle, Bottle (glass), Case (both crossbow bolt and map/scroll), Chain (10 feet), Chalk (1 piece), Climber's Kit, Clothes (all four of them), Component pouch, Druidic foci (all except for totem), Fishing tackle, Tankard, Grappling hook, Hammer (sledge), Holy Symbols (all three), Holy water (flask), Hunting trap, Ink (1 ounce bottle), Ink pen, Pitcher, Ladder (10-foot), Lantern (both types), Magnifying glass, Mess kit, Mirror (steel), OIl (flask), Paper (one sheet), Parchment (one sheet), Perfume (vial), Pick (miner's), Poison (basic, vial), Pole (10-foot... blasphemy!), Pot (iron), Ram (portable), Rations (1 day), Rope (both kinds), Scale (merchant's), Sealing wax, Signal whistle, Signet ring, Spikes (iron, 10), Tent. All of these are on the Adventuring Gear table in the SRD, so I don't know why they aren't in the compendium in some form. In addition, Poisoner's kit from the Tools table seems to be missing. Also all items from the Tack, Harness, and Drawn Vehicles table are missing (though the latter makes a bit more sense than all the Adventuring Gear stuff).
I have a few questions: I was wondering if the sential shield will be added? &nbsp; I did not see absorb element spell. Is it possible to add a damage3 box? &nbsp;So you could have say hunter's mark on damage2 and sneak attack on damage3? Is there a way to import feats? Will there be more equipment added? &nbsp;Such as a grappling hook, blanket? &nbsp;These were just two items I notice not there. Thank you! It looks great!
Scott said: I was wondering if the sential shield will be added? &nbsp; I did not see absorb element spell. The 5th Edition SRD Compendium contains every spell in the 5th Edition SRD .
How do I have my character sheet factor in monk/barbarian unarmored defense?

Edited 1454665014
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Could we have Armor items list their strength requirements? Plate, Splint, and Chainmail should have "Str 15", "Str 15", and "Str 13" respectively according to the SRD document (page 64). If this is the wrong thread for this feedback please move it to the correct thread. I could not find another.
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Jonathon l. said: How do I have my character sheet factor in monk/barbarian unarmored defense? I just answered this over on the&nbsp; sheet forum .
For NPC stat blocks for the OGL character sheets, lines can be cut off if there is too much text written there. An example for this is the Giant Spider's Senses line when copied over from the compendium. It lists the spider's senses, but gets cut off at the 't' in "Passive Perception". I feel this should instead make a new line instead of cutting the text off.
This is seriously cool. and yes I would love it if we could import custom stat blocks via JSON ( and eventually just drag directly from &nbsp;the compendium to the map with default tokens :) )
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
I asked this earlier, and it was indirectly answered but I do not fully understand, and I'm sorry to ask again, however, I will ask... again. Are you guys working on the possibility of us having access to our own "Private" and "Editable" Compendium? I would like to be able to add Homebrew to the Compendium the players in my campaign have access to as well as the 5e SRD. If so, when could I expect to see this wish come true? Thank you again on this amazing update, it is extremely well done, and the work the DEV Team is putting in to fix the bugs is very much appreciated. I look forward to hearing back from you guys on the topic I am bringing up, but even if I don't, you guys still rock! Thank you Thank you Thank you THANK YOU!
Loving this sheet, just creating a new campaign to use it with now.&nbsp; Is there a way to have a "reactions" section on the NPC sheet though? Seems that doesn't exist and I'm having to manually add it as an Action.&nbsp;
What macro templates are available in the SRD character sheet? So far&nbsp;&{template:default} is the only one I have found that works. Thank you for your help!

Edited 1454887556
Roll20 Production Team
Might have missed the reply earlier, but I don't think so: Is there a way to get the "Reactions" and "Legendary Actions" sections added onto the NPC/monster character sheet?&nbsp; EDIT: Never mind Legendary Actions, I see that now. But still can't figure out Reactions.&nbsp;
Ryan N. said: What macro templates are available in the SRD character sheet? User&nbsp; Ed S. was kind enough to outline them all in a post, over here .
Silvyre said: Ryan N. said: What macro templates are available in the SRD character sheet? User&nbsp; Ed S. was kind enough to outline them all in a post, over here . I'm not %100 sure that's all of them, but it's a good start. I haven't had time to play with it anymore lately.&nbsp;
Amazing update. Thanks Again. Question: Can you drag spells or items to the NPC sheet to add actions or is this just limited to PC sheet?
Not at the moment, Sean . Regarding spells; Steve K. of the Roll20 Dev Team said that "this feature has been requested enough times that I'll very likely add it" .
I'm trying to use this sheet since the update, but I cant create spells manually, I usually have to get one from the compendium and change it, when I'm creating the spell manually, it usually gives me a syntax error or just doesnt print nothing, I'm filling all the spaces to be sure but not working, anyone have any idea what might be the cause?
Most of the questions for this thread seem to be about the 5th Edition OGL sheet, which is fine, but if you're still wanting to talk about that let's move the discussion over here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Thanks!
The Ghoul data on roll20 does not match what's in the SRD (condition immunities on roll20 only lists poisoned but the SRD says charmed, exhaustion, and poisoned).

Edited 1455434404
In order to streamline the updating process for the new 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 Character Sheet , we're asking that all discussion regarding the new Character Sheet take place within our stickied thread in the Character Sheets forum: 5th Edition OGL by Roll20 v1.2 Chris H. , thank you for your feedback on our new Character Sheet. I've moved your post over to the above thread, where we can better focus on it.
How do you drag and drop I'm going from one pop up page to another with no effect.&nbsp; Not sure how it's actually being done.
The drag -drop doesn't work when the sheets are popped out
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Volomon said: How do you drag and drop I'm going from one pop up page to another with no effect.&nbsp; Not sure how it's actually being done. Also, you need to have created a new repeating section for the drop to land on and fill in.
For&nbsp;"Enabling Drag-and-Drop Functionality for Your Sheet", I think a useful ability would be to set a checkbox input to checked on the existence of an attribute, rather than a specific value. i.e. in 5e Acid Arrow and Arcane Sword have a damage attribute with different values, while Aid does not have the attribute at all. Is there some way to do this? I assume this is a character sheet checkbox limitation rather than an import one. &lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_SpellIncludeDamage" value="*" accept="Damage"&gt;
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Aaron I. said: For&nbsp;"Enabling Drag-and-Drop Functionality for Your Sheet", I think a useful ability would be to set a checkbox input to checked on the existence of an attribute, rather than a specific value. i.e. in 5e Acid Arrow and Arcane Sword have a damage attribute with different values, while Aid does not have the attribute at all. Is there some way to do this? I assume this is a character sheet checkbox limitation rather than an import one. &lt;input type="checkbox" name="attr_SpellIncludeDamage" value="*" accept="Damage"&gt; That's not how checkboxes work. However, it's easy enough to do with a sheetworker. You listen for a change on the Damage text field, and then either check or uncheck the box as needed.
I want to help edit the Compendium -- can I do that? Count me in please.
Sheet Author
On the Pathfinder character sheet, we have class abilities and features as repeating entries. There is nothing in the Compendium to drag and drop right now. Can someone edit the compendium to break out class features and abilities into individual items so that the drag and drop is possible? For example, the Monk class gains several new abilities as it gains in levels, each one of those would be a separate entry to drag and drop. The same goes for Races and their traits. Drag and drop for the traits would be great for the PF sheet. General traits are available on the PF sheet, but not in the Compendium yet. Also, we just added Mythic Adventures support to the sheet, so having the Compendium updated with those abilities and feats would be great. Thanks for all the great new features and hard work! Magik
Sheet Author
It doesn't look like all Items have attributes. At a minimum, we'd like to have "Weight". Additionally, "Cost" would be desirable. Armor and Weapons should have their relevant attributes.
Joshua V. said: I want to help edit the Compendium -- can I do that? Count me in please. Thanks for offering Joshua V.! Please check out&nbsp; this thread on being a Compendium editor and then email email <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> & let's chat!
James W.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It'd be nice if we could get some access to the Compendium via Sheet Workers; for example, when importing Pathfinder monsters, it'd be nice if I could search for feats so that I could add in the description, like I can when drag-and-dropping a feat directly.&nbsp; Really, we'd just need two functions, tops: One you pass a category name and an item name, and it returns an object with the same properties you'd get if you did a drag-and-drop of the first item that matches that search criteria. One you pass a category name, and it returns an array of all the names of the items in that category (bonus: don't pass a category, get a list of categories)