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Letter to home, 12th of Kuthona


Edited 1455353160
Gulo sits  at the desk, quill and parchment at hand. the flow easily, stopping only a moment to ask Synovia a question before continuing. 12 th of Kuthona, 4707 AR Guten Tag, I write to you from Sandpoint, a quiet coastal village at the edge of Varisia I have been living in for at least a month now, the locals describe as “A usually quiet town plagued by evil” how much of this is fact and is local superstition is unknown. I do not know if you were aware of them but I can confirm the rumors of Goblins living in Sandpoint are true as hard as it is to believe, a strange Halfling named Miro Kaijutsu (he reminds me very much of both Finnian and Thomlon.) seems to be spear heading this effort to civilize them, it seems a foolish effort to me and a great waste of time, but the majority of the town is in favor of it so I hold my tongue. In spite of this (or perhaps because of it.) I have found myself in the position of training a squadron of goblins that have been installed in the town. The process has been has been long and I have had to make concessions in my methods, despite this I feel immense pride in each and every one of them and in the leagues they have made in their training, I truly believe I can make them worthy of protecting the people. It is a squad of six (Technically four since two of them are taken up by the efforts of goblin affairs.), the strongest physically goes by the name of Firestarter, I think he and Sven would get along very well, he will make an ideal schlachten. There is a duo named Gros’ga Mort and Scummer, they are idoits, but they do try, they are shaping up into excellent luftmench, but I may start training them to be Wolf Reiter, getting the wolves would little issue in such a wooded area. Then there are another pair by the name of Roxreez and Rot Gut, they have been rebellious and while I have instilled them with respect of the chain of command I have no doubt that it still remains within them, while the male is a sniveling little cur I have little use for the female is bold, it is good to see that fire in her but it must be tempered, maybe make her Jager like myself. There is a woman named Synovia, I do not know what race she is but she is an excellent warrior, if not naive about the nature of the world. she shows much promise, her father, a wise man named Belor Hemlock, is grooming her to replace him as sheriff, and I can only hope I can help shape her. I miss you all more then words could ever hope to express and I wish Molach had made me an elf instead of a hobgoblin if only to give me more good years together with you all, tell me does Sadie still make those delicious blood sausages? It’s funny at times I can still hear Finnian singing around the fire, and Sven yelling at him to shut up. I know you are far too level headed for such feelings Signus, but if the others worry tell them I have found an excellent place to retire and have found great purpose here, it is true to some extent as part of me has grown appreciate the people here and there are few things that compare to the beauty of the sun raising above the Varisian Bay. but in all honesty I find civilian life hard to adjust to, every time I look at the lazy streets I feel myself longing the for the burning airs of Belkzen. I am an outsider here, I have seen and done far too much in my life to ever fit in with such a place, but I have charged myself with protecting this village and even if they grow me for what I have to do I will fulfill this task with my dying breath. At times I wish you were all here with me, sell my very soul if only to see you for a day, but I dissmiss such selfish thoughts, but I am sure you are weary of an old hob weeping like a henmother. I am journeying with Synovia, Miro Kaijutsu, an odd Goblin named Chuffy and an inscrutable elf named Vrinn, it makes me smile when I think of what you would do if he were to address you as he does me. We are investigating reports of strange occurrences at a Fort named Rannac, apparently there is an issue with the rangers there. I can only hope this letter get’s to you and isn’t tossed away by whatever messenger I find to take it to Lastwall, thou it could be just as likely you are all dead, overtaken by the orcish horde, and I write to ghosts, in which case I hope we meet again in the next world, you all as arch angels and me as a great devil in Molach’s fiery army, clashing in a battle that will be sung of across the multiverse! Your Friend Now and Forever, Gulo, Former Jager of the Hobgoblin Warband, former Jager of the Holy Army of Lastwall, Military Teacher of Sandpoint. He looks down at the letter, his heart heavy with old memories, putting the letter in an envolope and stamping it with the seal of Lastwall.
As Gulio finishes the letter, Syn asks "Are you writting to your family?"
Gulo looks over to Synovia, stating matter of factly "Hobgoblins don't have family, I was pulled away from my mother as soon as I was weened and never saw her again, most likely dead if I had to imagine."
"Gulo, if there is one thing I know for a fact, family does not mean sharing blood. I never knew my father. I know he was a Jinn. My mother used to tell me he stayed in the desert to protect us, When we came to Varisia the Wanderers took us in. My mother died when I was 4, and for ten years they were my family. Then five years ago, my entire clan was wiped out here in Sandpoint during the fire. I was the only survivor I was angry, confused and wanted to be dead. Ameiko, Balor, and the mayor took me in and I made their life hell, But they would not give up on me and became my family." She takes a deep breath and continues "Our family, Gulo, are the people that have our back no matter what shit we put them through, and Gulo, the look on  your face says that you miss your family. Now if you're done with your letter, we have work to do."
Gulo nods stonily "Ja, I aplogize for being overly sentimental, it is very unprofessional."
"No apologies necessary. Having a reason to fight other than it's just a job can give you an edge. Being personaly involved in the outcome means you have more to loose."