Don D.
Ok the Title says Charge Standard Action if that means a Charge = a standard action then you would not be able to attack because that too is a standard action, The first point says move & attack ( you move you speed then attack) it also says the charge is part of your move action it does not separate the two . ( If it did that would be a double move) You can't do two standard actions in one round. You can do a double move but can't do anything else. If it was meant f or you to move then charge & attack it should be stated as such it is not. ALL Interpretations welcome trying to make a final ruling on how it works
You're over thinking a lot of this and misinterpreting even more. Charging is a single action that allows you to move up to your full move speed and then make a melee basic attack. It's not a question of interpretation. It's a question of you not understanding how 4e actually works. Just because those actions can be taken independently as standard or move actions does not mean that they cannot be activated simultaneously during a different power. There are abilities that allow you to make a melee basic attack or move action as a minor actions, not to mention other powers and abilities that do the exact same thing as even cheaper actions (there are numerous paragon path action point benefits that allow you to use a standard action as a free action). The best way to think of it is to break up the *mechanics* from the *powers* that access them. A melee basic attack isn't a power. It's a mechanic, which means that it is not an action in and of itself but an *attribute* of a power. Neither is moving. Moving your move speed can be accomplished in any number of ways, through any number of powers. There is an at-will *power* that all characters have that allows them to make either a melee or ranged basic attack as a standard action called "Basic Attack". The same is true for every other mechanic in the game (moving, shifting, etc.). The at-will power "Move" is a power that all characters have that allows them to move a number of squares equal to their move speed as a move action. "Shift" is another one of these that allows you to shift one square as a move action. Melee basic attack, ranged basic attack, move, and shift are all *mechanics* that are attributes of powers that allow you to access them. The *powers* describe the explicit action cost to allow you to implement the given mechanic. As such, Charge is an at-will power with the given prerequisites that, as part of that single action, allows you to move up to your move speed and make a melee basic attack with a +1 bonus to the roll. It isn't a combination of actions since it's still just a standard action to activate it. Something to remember about charge is that you cannot use move or minor actions after using a charge, so that you are only able to spend free actions after charging.