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[5e Shaped] v2.0.11 NPCs near complete


Edited 1456176569
Sheet Author
API Scripter
NPCs have been added besides Actions. Please read over the TODO items before suggesting any features as NPCs and converting from old versions are yet to come. If you are updating an existing campaign I highly recommend you duplicate your campaign and use that to copy data over. Release 2.0.11 Features: High performance auto-calculating sheet without the lag of old versions Improved styling to match the 5e paper sheet Nearly all elements clickable to output to chat Compendium Integration for Armor, Equipment, Spells, Weapons Customizable skills Add or remove skills as desired Change ability used on the fly Translations (English, French). Looking for more translators. Repeating Resources which can track uses like Lay on Hands Repeating Spells Filterable Higher Level toggle Customizable classes Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes Custom classes Spell slots are calculated automatically and only show for the level for which is available (can be customized) Hit Dice are calculated automatically and only show for the hit dice you have Armor Covers unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc. Toggle armored or unarmored bonuses as desired (mage armor for example) Automatically calculates Equipment Gold automatically calculated Weight automatically calculated for Armor, Attacks, Equipment Equipment items are clickable (potion of healing for example) Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin Extra features: Jack of all trades, halfling luck, Vision, movement, appearance. Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc. Still TODO Add "+" or "-" to skill and saving throw totals NPC Actions These will likely function like attacks with heal and recharge. Legendary actions will have costs associated. Automatically calculate challenge rating based on hp, damage per round, etc. Hide non-relevant items from the "Presentation" mode (ie: Skills, damage resistances) Reduce spacing on traits/actions that aren't as long (still debating how to display this in presentation mode). fix import scripts Write conversion script (Though everyone should start over with new sheets if they are experiencing any lag) Nice to have: Spell Point values customizable Query macros (huge pain. I started setting them up, but they are so limiting. Especially with the roll advantage setting. I’ll do it at some point, but it’s a fair amount of work) Add an attack for divine smite if the player has paladin levels Elemental Adept How to Update the sheet yourself (as a mentor): Go to Github and open the RAW html and css Copy the html In Roll20 go to campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet. Choose D&D 5e as the SRD In the HTML tab paste the HTML code Copy the css from github On Roll20 in the CSS tab paste the CSS code. Hit save. Contribute: Since many have asked for it: If you appreciate what I do and want to compensate me for the countless hours that I have spent building this character sheet feel free to support me on Patreon or Paypal ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). If you are in the EU you can email me ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) and I will provide an IBAN number (easier for both of us). Thanks so much for your support. This Patreon campaign is not affiliated with Roll20; as such, contributions are voluntary and Roll20 cannot provide support or refunds for contributions. Please report any bugs in this thread. I will release fixes daily (hourly is more likely). Special Thanks to testers and contributors: alexander, Alzam , Brian S., BP, Chris H., Cristóbal, Doug, Jakob , Jason, Kaelev , Kevin , Mark G, Modnar Wylde, Saevar, Thorsten, Vanakoji . I'm sure I missed a few. Previous Thread
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Timeline info: I play tomorrow (Tuesday) and am busy with a conference and other work stuff Wednesday/Thursday/Friday so I expect the updates to slow a bit. I'll still be doing some work in the evening. I hope to have actions near complete on Wednesday evening, but we'll see. As always please let me know your feedback (Read the TODO first!).

Edited 1455574329
API Scripter
Looking really good now! Definitely think the new look NPC sheet is the way to go - so much cleaner and easier to use than the old version. A few questions/observations: Would it be possible to have the name of creatures import from the SRD? At the moment this doesn't seem to come over, not a huge deal but would obviously save a little time when importing lots of stuff. Will skills import intelligently for NPCs from the SRD? Just imported Archmage and he didn't get his Expertise in Arcana and History... I'm guessing the bracketed section after AC is just going to be free text? Not sure if there's anything more intelligent that could be done with those creatures that have an "alternative" AC listed here (again, Archmage has "15 with Mage Armor" here). I guess supporting this would require putting some special UI for switching between alternative ACs.... What do you mean by "Hide non-relevant items from the "Presentation" mode (ie: Skills, damage resistances)"? Although it makes the presentation different to the MM, having at least some skills like Stealth and Perception visible even if they don't have special bonuses is quite handy since these are very frequently used in encounters... Do you have plans to auto-import SRD spells for NPC spellcasters? That would be *extremely* cool! Cheers, Lucian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Name dragging from SRD: See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>.. . Summary is that if I pull it from the SRD then the sheet reloads after the rename and everything else stops. Riley is looking into options. Skills : Totally forgot to parse skills. I will fix that tomorrow. I did it for saves! :P AC Note: This is free text, ya. Mainly for "natural armor", but also for "15 with mage armor" as you've called out. I don't think there is much we can automate with alternate ACs. That'll be up to the DM to see I think. Hiding items: &nbsp;For example I shouldn't show "Condition Immunities" when not editing the monster unless there is content in the textarea for that. The same is true for skills. I plan to not show a skill unless it has some kind of proficiency. It'll be slightly tricky, but not too bad. Keep in mind any skill that isn't trained is an ability check so the GM can just click that. Though maybe the feedback here will be that they should all stay.
API Scripter
Hiding items: &nbsp;For example I shouldn't show "Condition Immunities" when not editing the monster unless there is content in the textarea for that. The same is true for skills. I plan to not show a skill unless it has some kind of proficiency. It'll be slightly tricky, but not too bad. Keep in mind any skill that isn't trained is an ability check so the GM can just click that. Though maybe the feedback here will be that they should all stay. Fair enough. Personally, I'd vote for leaving all the skills in - it doesn't take up that much space and it's slightly easier on the DM's brain to just click the relevant skill. I'd certainly leave them if it's extra work to hide them! Cheers, Lucian
Thanks! Request: If the initiative field for NPCs and PCs were to be the same, that would make the group initiative script much easier to use. On the community contributed sheet, the initiative field never worked for me, so I had to use dex, but monster dex and pc&nbsp;dex were different fields and the tiering didn't work right so I had to swap. Anyway, the initiative field for a pc works great on the new sheet, and I was hoping that field would be the same for an NPC. :) Does this mean it won't be safe to start importing monsters this week? I'm just planning for my Saturday game.

Edited 1455592494
Just copied from Github so 2.0.11 per sheet header. Couple of things I noticed All of the auto-calculated fields have up/down arrows, which makes it difficult to see the value. ie: proficiency bonus, AC, skills Ability bonuses don't have this issue Using plain FireFox 44.0.2 Arrows don't appear in Chrome Spells with saves are importing the Save stat correctly. The DC Stat is correct per the selection on the Character tab, but the Save Ability is always imported as Str. Just noticed, the Save is briefly correct, but then gets changed to Str at the end of the parse. The Save text when a spell is 'cast' displays incorrect. effe

Edited 1455614309
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Robert: I will add initiative . Probably around AC and HP. It'll be the same as PCs. When you decide to use the sheet is up to you. I have expectations for when NPCs will be done, but there are no promises. @BP: Firefox number fields: I have fixed it so readonly number fields on firefox no longer have the spinner (same as chrome). This will be on the next release. Spell saving throw is indeed not importing "Dex" for fireball for instance. This is a result of a translation. It is fixed and will be pushed later tonight.
Looking real good, very clean and the import from SRD is just plain amazing. (now I just wish SRD had all the info, spells, backgrounds and so on!) - gotta wait til the import script is ready for those last details. :) Q: Am I right in assuming that the "macros" for NPC attacks (And abilities) aren't yet implimented, - I was finding it hard (ie. impossible) to use their abilities. Have a great conference Kryx! :) Best Regards Lukas
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kryx said: Please read over the TODO items before suggesting any features as NPCs and converting from old versions are yet to come. Still TODO NPC Actions These will likely function like attacks with heal and recharge. Legendary actions will have costs associated. Automatically calculate challenge rating based on hp, damage per round, etc. Hide non-relevant items from the "Presentation" mode (ie: Skills, damage resistances) Reduce spacing on traits/actions that aren't as long (still debating how to display this in presentation mode). Read above. :)
Kryx said: Read above. :) Doh...! - that's what you get for attending an IBM course all day.. brain implosion! :) Cheers mate o/ //Lukas
I think the NPC section is looking great, Is it possible for the AC notes to expand with the text? Or to be expandable? &nbsp;I just added a Goblin and all you can see is Leather Armor, Sh) &nbsp;not a huge deal but a nice to have
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Well part of that is that those words should not be capitalized. See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... But it should indeed be wider. It will be so on the version released tonight.

Edited 1455644136
Sheet Author
API Scripter
2.0.12 Added Initiative to NPCs Parsed skills for NPCs from the SRD on drag & drop. Parsed spells for NPCs from the SRD on drag & drop. The name gets added to the spell list, but that's all I can do. Archmage for example ends up with ~20 spells which you then have to drag & drop each one. All headings for NPCs should now be clickable Translated PC/NPC and version XP can now hold 6 digits Made AC note wider for NPCs Fixed Firefox issue with number inputs Damage vulnerabilities & resistances styling cleaned up Fixed creatures with a challenge less than 1 Looking like everything but actions is done. I'll work on those tomorrow and beyond.
Amazing work. I really appreciate the effort here. Just one question. The old sheets let me look at spells in a condensed view. So if my character had a million spells I could scroll through them easier. Is this planned for the new sheets? I can't see that function anymore.
API Scripter
Kryx said: 2.0.12 Awesome stuff - looking forward to trying all this out. Parsed spells for NPCs from the SRD on drag & drop. The name gets added to the spell list, but that's all I can do. Archmage for example ends up with ~20 spells which you then have to drag & drop each one Have Roll20 ever said anything about Compendium access for the API? It seems like that would be the next logical step which would help fix this limitation, but TBH I haven't even seen anyone requesting it, let along them saying they're thinking about doing it... Cheers, Lucian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Craig H. said: The old sheets let me look at spells in a condensed view. So if my character had a million spells I could scroll through them easier. Is this planned for the new sheets? I can't see that function anymore. Hey Craig, thanks for the feedback. On the redesigned sheet each spell is toggled to be expanded or not individually by hitting the cog wheel on the top right. Lucian H. said: Have Roll20 ever said anything about Compendium access for the API? It seems like that would be the next logical step which would help fix this limitation, but TBH I haven't even seen anyone requesting it, let along them saying they're thinking about doing it... No idea.
Found the button. Never mind. looks like "options" rather than minimize&nbsp;
API Scripter
Kryx said: Hey Craig, thanks for the feedback. On the redesigned sheet each spell is toggled to be expanded or not individually by hitting the cog wheel on the top right. Perhaps "Expand all/Collapse all" might be a nice additional feature - could have done with it after importing the Archmage e.g.! Not sure if that's easily possible within the limitations of the character sheets though? Just been experimenting with the Archmage and actually importing the spells really doesn't take that long when you have the prompt of the name. One strange bug though - when you import a spell over the top of one of the ones that are auto-populated by the character import, all the extra fields (save, damage, attack etc) get populated but the tickboxes don't get selected, so they don't output properly until you edit them manually. This appears to be an instance of a more general behaviour - the SRD import won't override which things you have ticked/unticked on an existing spell. Not sure if this is intentional but it obviously makes the NPC spell import behaviour a lot more frustrating :-( Cheers, Lucian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Craig H. said: Found the button. Never mind. looks like "options" rather than minimize&nbsp; It is "options" - the same as weapons. Options are hidden or not. :) @Lucian It's possible to have an expand all/collapse all, though I'm not really inclined to want that. Maybe others disagree though.&nbsp;I'd suggest spells stay expanded so the DM can drag spells there. I will see what I can do to clean up the drag & drop behavior for already existing spells (from monster dropping).
Quite frankly I don't care what the icon looks like. I just love this sheet lol.
API Scripter
Another minor bug - the Shocking Grasp damage expression fails with a syntax error, I think because it references the character level and NPCs don't have a level attribute at the moment... Cheers, Lucian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah, that's true. I will fix that.
@Kryx: Will the lair actions have to be manually added?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Lair actions are not included in the srd.
I noticed the compendium is missing some spells. Firebolt and Counterspell is what I've noticed so far.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It is missing a lot, yes. That's why I'll be working on my scripts after the sheet is done.
API Scripter
Craig H. said: I noticed the compendium is missing some spells. Firebolt and Counterspell is what I've noticed so far. There's a chance that *some* of the spells that are missing will be added: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... ... but not all: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Also, I added in the Archmage which populated his spell sheet. with all the names of his spells. If I drag the spells from the SDR into the spell list it created (example lightning bolt on top of lightning bolt) it doesn't add the damage portion of the spell. Just the description. But, Creating a new blank spell and dragging lightning bolt over has no problems.
Craig H. said: Also, I added in the Archmage which populated his spell sheet. with all the names of his spells. If I drag the spells from the SDR into the spell list it created (example lightning bolt on top of lightning bolt) it doesn't add the damage portion of the spell. Just the description. But, Creating a new blank spell and dragging lightning bolt over has no problems. Read upthread. A lot of your questions have already been covered! Cheers, Lucian
I managed to delete a skill somehow by messing with the proficient and Expertise drop downs. Whatever reason, it deleted the athletics skill.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sheetworkers are unable to delete fields so you must've deleted it manually somehow. To fix this you must remove all skills and re-add them. I heard Roll20 is looking to add reordering functionality to repeating sections, but it does not currently exist.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fixed attacks damage to ensure it defaults to strength, but didn't have the energy to fix the spell issue if it's brought in by a NPC or for actions. Which likely means Actions won't be done until Saturday if the following 2 days are the same.
Kryx said: Sheetworkers are unable to delete fields so you must've deleted it manually somehow. To fix this you must remove all skills and re-add them. I heard Roll20 is looking to add reordering functionality to repeating sections, but it does not currently exist. Was nothing I did, I was just adding my expertise stuff in as normal, suddenly vanished when I adjusted Arcana. The repeating skill still existed in the settings menu. Copying the sheet only duplicated the bug over. Making a brand new one fixed it, but it might be just a rare occurance bug.
Don't know I should ask this here but: I used to have two macro's that queried (that spelled correctly?), one for saves and one for checks for your previous sheet. They just run foul now. Anything I can do about that?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Those will be done after NPCs, but will likely use the new buttons in chat system with the ~ syntax that was on the forums a week or two ago.
And now I see it. Kryx, I am sorry. Thanks for the quick answer though!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No worries! Hopefully it'll turn out well. It's the part I'm most worried about.
Why is that such a beast if I may ask? What changed that the previous versions don't work anymore? Just for my understanding, most coding is mumbo jumbo. But reading the forums repeated terms pop by.

Edited 1455816955
Sheet Author
API Scripter
See&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... for the "replacement" syntax. That's what the redesign will be using. Here is the old code: @{output_option} &{template:5eDefault} {{ability=1}} {{character_name=@{character_name}}} @{show_character_name} {{subheader=Ability Check}} {{rollname=Result}} ?{Ability Check|Acrobatics (Dex) , {{title=Acrobatics}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{acrobatics}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{acrobatics}]]}}|Animal Handling (Wis) , {{title=Animal Handling}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{animalhandling}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{animalhandling}]]}}|Arcana (Int) , {{title=Arcana}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{arcana}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{arcana}]]}}|Athletics (Str) , {{title=Athletics}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{athletics}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{athletics}]]}}|Deception (Cha) , {{title=Deception}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{deception}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{deception}]]}}|History (Int) , {{title=History}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{history}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{history}]]}}|Insight (Wis) , {{title=Insight}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{insight}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{insight}]]}}|Intimidation (Cha) , {{title=Intimidation}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{intimidation}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{intimidation}]]}}|Investigation (Int) , {{title=Investigation}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{investigation}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{investigation}]]}}|Medicine (Wis) , {{title=Medicine}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{medicine}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{medicine}]]}}|Nature (Int) , {{title=Nature}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{nature}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{nature}]]}}|Perception (Wis) , {{title=Perception}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{perception}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{perception}]]}}|Performance (Cha) , {{title=Performance}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{performance}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{performance}]]}}|Persuasion (Cha) , {{title=Persuasion}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{persuasion}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{persuasion}]]}}|Religion (Int) , {{title=Religion}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{religion}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{religion}]]}}|Sleight of Hand (Dex) , {{title=Sleight of Hand}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{sleightofhand}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{sleightofhand}]]}}|Stealth (Dex) , {{title=Stealth}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{stealth}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{stealth}]]}}|Survival (Wis) , {{title=Survival}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{survival}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{survival}]]}}|@{custom_skill_1_name}, {{title=@{custom_skill_1_name}}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_1}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_1}]]}}|@{custom_skill_2_name}, {{title=@{custom_skill_2_name}}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_2}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_2}]]}}|@{custom_skill_3_name}, {{title=@{custom_skill_3_name}}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_3}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_3}]]}}|@{custom_skill_4_name}, {{title=@{custom_skill_4_name}}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_4}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{custom_skill_4}]]}}|-|Strength, {{title=Strength}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_strength_check_mod}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_strength_check_mod}]]}}|Dexterity, {{title=Dexterity}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_dexterity_check_mod}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_dexterity_check_mod}]]}}|Constitution, {{title=Constitution}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_constitution_check_mod}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_constitution_check_mod}]]}}|Intelligence, {{title=Intelligence}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_intelligence_check_mod}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_intelligence_check_mod}]]}}|Wisdom, {{title=Wisdom}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_wisdom_check_mod}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_wisdom_check_mod}]]}}|Charisma, {{title=Charisma}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_charisma_check_mod}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + @{basic_charisma_check_mod}]]}}|Other, {{title=?{Other|Unspecified}}} {{roll=[[d20@{d20_mod} + ?{Modifiers|0}]]}} {{rolladv=[[d20@{d20_mod} + ?{Modifiers|0}]]}} } This old syntax had many many problems Just look at it. it never used to the chosen ability. It never displayed the correct chosen ability It left out global mods and other issues I probably forgot by now. There will be a workable solution using the "replacement" syntax.
Will you release the Sheet for non-pros?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, when it is complete. Old estimate is about 1 week or 2 weeks from day. Seems fairly accurate still.
So how is the conversion going to work? Will there be a one-time button on the sheet like the OGL? Also, you mention to use a back up copy of the campaign to convert but wouldn't both campaigns be the same sheet? How would one copy missing data over to the duplicate campaign sheets? Am I missing something? I've recommended to my players to make a 'hard' copy of their characters (like a fillable pdf) so the information is external to the Roll20 environment.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The conversion from the old Shaped sheet will be automatic as it will replace the old sheet. Conversion from other sheets will be a click like OGL. A copy of a campaign does not propagate changes back to the original. A copy's purpose is to prevent data loss so people can choose to use the old campaign.
Wow, thanks for the quick response. Sorry if I am not understanding the obvious: The shaped sheet will change. All campaigns using the old sheet will see the same change. Yes? When the new sheet replaces the old sheet, the sheet in the original campaign will be identical to the one in the duplicate campaign. Yes? And there will be the same data loss?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Doug E. said: The shaped sheet will change. All campaigns using the old sheet will see the same change. Yes? When the new sheet replaces the old sheet, the sheet in the original campaign will be identical to the one in the duplicate campaign. Yes? And there will be the same data loss? The shaped sheet will be replaced so it will be used in both, you are correct. Data won't be lost, just not visible. So really the same thing. The only way around this is if I pushed a whole new sheet which I believe roll20 wouldn't want.

Edited 1455825636
Here's the scenario. You have a current campaign using the old sheet. You make a copy of it. Choosing either the original or copy, you go into the game settings and change to the new version of the sheet. All character data in the game you changed to the new sheet will automatically converted. The game whose sheet is still set to the old sheet will remain intact, without any changes what so ever. As for data loss in the campaign version you changed to the new sheet, it's unknown at this point I imagine Kyrx will be looking into that once the sheet is ready to go.&nbsp; [Edit] Unless the old sheet is removed completely. Then I don't know what will happen. Currently, I have a campaign that I copied. One set to the new sheet and the original which my players and I use weekly.&nbsp;
Kaelev said: Here's the scenario. You have a current campaign using the old sheet. You make a copy of it. Choosing either the original or copy, you go into the game settings and change to the new version of the sheet. All character data in the game you changed to the new sheet will automatically converted. The game whose sheet is still set to the old sheet will remain intact, without any changes what so ever. As for data loss in the campaign version you changed to the new sheet, it's unknown at this point I imagine Kyrx will be looking into that once the sheet is ready to go.&nbsp; [Edit] Unless the old sheet is removed completely. Then I don't know what will happen. Currently, I have a campaign that I copied. One set to the new sheet and the original which my players and I use weekly.&nbsp; I did that too, to see the changes. And I understand there will not be an option for the old sheet. Then I wondered, could I copy the old sheet into a custom sheet? But we must move on...