I started having API problems, particularly with the shaped import script to bring monsters into my game. Per forum, I deleted the scrip, and recreated it. Then other scripts started misbehaving... Now, none of my script calls are making it through, it seems. I key them into chat, or call then via macro, but the API Output Console shows no activity whatsoever. All I have indicated is this: API sandbox shutdown due to campaign inactivity. Spinning up new sandbox... "-=> TokenMod v0.8.1 <=- [Sun Mar 29 2015 00:42:38 GMT-0500 (CDT)]" "-=> TokenLock v0.2.2 <=- [Sun Apr 12 2015 12:18:42 GMT-0500 (CDT)]" "Shaped Scripts ready" This despite having made numerous API calls. Any ideas? I've checked status and everything seems to be up. I've tried both Chrome and Safari to see if there may have been a browser issue. I've cleared cache.