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Vrinn x Miro (On the way to Wartle)


Edited 1455410092
A few days into their travel, the party has made camp for the night. Miro is off cooking their supper, Synovia and Gulo are discussing whatever it is they discuss, while Chuffy is doing some sort of cooking of his own. Vrinn having checked the horses and Scaly have settled in for the night, goes looking for his pack to do some standard maintenance on his equipment. Unable to find it initially, he's tipped off by a slight soft giggling. "Very funny Ever..." he sighs, noticing the darker patch of shadow off to one side, conveniently in the shape of his pack. With another sigh, he makes his way towards Miro, pulling up a log to seat himself on. "Women. Even in death they never seem t' be able t' leave ye in peace" he says in exasperation. 
Miro looks up from his cook pot of braised beef and stewed potatos.  "I've been meaning to ask you about your ... apparition you said?"  Miro looks over to Ever waiting for her to move.  He turns back to stew.  "If that is the case it suprises me that being haunted by the dead does not bother you." He ladle's up a portion into the wooden bowls he carries when they leave and hands it off to Vrinn.  "Is it ready?"
Taking the ladle and sampling the stew, Vrinn simply shrugs "Aye, tis good" he observes "But then again for all ye faults, cookin' ain't one o' them. But on t' the topic at hand..." he says, glancing over to Ever who seems to have found some distraction with Chuffy for the time being "... it's not the creature herself, but the one who bound her t' me" he explains, pensively. "Ye'd know better than I would, but I dun suppose y' know which god likes darkness, tricks, an' secrets, do ye? He pulled me into something like a quasi-dimension, I couldn't see a thing, an' he claimed t'know all o' my inner-most secrets an' desires. Creepy fucker..." he says with a shiver down his spine.
The stew complete Miro places some thick dough in a thick iron lidded pot and places it in the coals.  "It'll be about 15 more minuets for the fire bread to cook then dinner will be ready."  Miro stands and dusts the dirt from his knees.  He waves over to his bag and pulls out a thick tome.  Its edges clasped with brass decor and semi-precious gemstone at its heart.  The tome floats over to him much as if an invisible man were walking it swaying slightly side to side.  Once at his side it opens and he begins to flip the pages of the hovering book.   "If I had to guess... and it is just that.  I would say it was Norgorber.  God of greed, secrets, poison, and murder it certianly fits the bill.. though darkness is not exactly his domain it goes without saying that many of his interests fall within it.  But why would the god of murder grant you a boon?"   Miro looks over to Ever as she pranks Chuffy.  "And why would that boon be so.... agreeable... considering its source?"
Reclining against the log listening to Miro while watching Ever 'play', Vrinn sighs deeply "Well, it would make sense for th' god o' murder, considering the way she died, for him to have thrall over her. In life, Everlyn and I have... History..." he explains quietly with a pensive expression "As for why... Well, I can't claim to know th' motives o' gods. Hells, Calistria herself is a strange Mistress t' even me at times. If I had t' hazard a guess, and if it really were Norgorber, perhaps because I was responsible for murdering a large portion of his following in Magnimar? Perhaps all the death he saw warranted a reward? Perhaps she's not a boon at all, but a spy, or will betray me in a dire circumstance? Maybe he just wants t' try and bribe me away from My Lady's bosom?" the half-elf muses, as much to himself as to Miro as well. "What do you think Miro? You know the gods better than I do, should I be worried?"

Edited 1455925233
He shrugs lightly as the smell of the corned bread rises by the fire.  "That remains to be seen.  Think of it like this... your mother has a view of things that differ from most other that is awarded by her lengthy stay here on this plane.  Now imagine how changed that view would be if her life expectancy were doubled... tripled... I can not speak for those whos machinations span infinatly.  For now though, it is your boon or burden to carry.  So I would guess its up to you, to dress the situation as you see fit.  Until any concrete purpose or reason is presented." Miro smiles as chuffy is tripped up by the moving shadow.  "That does not mean I would ever not keep an eye on her.  Much the same with Doomwing... They say never look a gift horse in the mouth, but horses have teeth, and are terrible creatures."
Rolling his eyes, Vrinn stands and pat's Miro on the shoulder. "Aye, big evil beasties..." he comments with some amount of humour "...but thanks. Not sure if I'm any closer t' knowin' too much more, but either way I think that she'll be fine." Ladling himself a bowl of the stew, he meanders over in search of Ever before she causes Chuffy to blow himself up...