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[Help] Community Spotlights Needed!


Edited 1444075961
Greetings API Wizards! New with our UI changes back in July, came the Community Spotlight area of Roll20. This is dropdown menu that is displayed when you hover or click the down arrow next to Community in our main menu above. Today, I am reaching out to you for help in finding those API gems we should be sharing with the greater community.  If you are currently using or have created an API script that you feel is essential to a good Roll20 experience, please include a link to a forum post for that script below. Post must contain images, as a 184px width x 123px height thumbnail will be need to be created to represent the post on the Spotlight menu. Spotlight posts will stay up for 1 week, but will remain in the rotation for future Spotlights. *A note for future API threads... If you are interested in being included in our Spotlight posts, consider creating a rectangular banner image, keeping the size relative to the thumbnail needed for our spotlights! If you have any questions, please PM me. Thanks!
So basically a showcase of the APIs everyone use? I was actually considering making a short video of all the APIs I use to show my setup for 5e since all my players want to know how I DM so smoothly! 
Hey  Saevar L. "Liquid-Sonic" - take a look at the  thread we have up now from Stephen S. If you have threads out there already you are welcome to share them here or make something new! I'm just looking for them to come from the forums. :)
*Featured on 10/5 Aura/Tint health colour script by DXWarlock (William R) – A script which tints tokens based on health remaining. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> A very useful script that I use personally in all my games now for showing health levels of monsters and such without having to divulge exact values and “guessing” how beat up the monster looks. The script as described by the creator. “ This script sets the aura or tint of mobs and players to a gradient between green/yellow/orange/red based on how hurt they are. It will work on any amount of HP as it takes the max and the current. figures out the percentage left, and set the hue to the correct color..100% is green, 0 is red. other percentages are a hue based on that percentage.” So basically, this script automatically adjusts the “Aura” of the token based on the percentage difference of health from the current and the max. The great thing about this script is that it is system agnostic. An example of it in action is below (The 15 is just for Armor class). Failing if this isn't up to scratch. I can post a list of ones I do use primarily. Aura Tint&Health Colour: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A Script which gives Auras and tints based on the percentage of the health bar remaining. 5th Edition Importer: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script which allows one to import 5E monsters from the Monster Manual (Stat blocks typed up) to the Character Sheet TokenMod: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script which allows you to edit all the functions of a token from certain commands. Such as lightning, auras, show names. Alterbars: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script which allows you to alters the health bars of the token via a prompt, it also prints out deductions and additions into the chat Ammo Tracking Script: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script designed to track the attributes of something such as arrows, hit dice and so forth. If you wish it to track multiple things you will need to copy the script and edit the calls for it. Timer Script: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This script will track time for you and advance time for you in-game. Good for tracking the time that people are taking to judge weather/day/night conditions. Group Initiative: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script which will auto-calculate initiative and roll it for all tokens selected. Very useful for starting combat quickly. Growit Script: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script that "grows" the size of a image. Useful for growing AoE spells. Center Smaller Tokens: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Simple script that centers smaller tokens than 70px x 70px to the center of the square. Calendar Script: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... A script for tracking the date of your games. It will show lunar months, weeks, days. A very in-depth script thats useful for werewolf cycles and what not. Maybe even seasons. Customisable via the script notes. TrackerJacker Script: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Tracks combat, statuses, turns and such things. It is a very in-depth script and is very useful.
Saevar's games are all top notch!&nbsp; The scripts that he runs make the games so smooth and fast!
Awesome contributions so far to all. I'll be switching out the Spotlights as often as possible, so keep adding more!
Tokenote:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... This script allowed one to have token notes or GM notes displayed his/her token. It does this via flooding the bar2 bubble. Simply put it does this&nbsp;
So good. Please add more! I am always craving for clever scripts and especially usage of those.
Saving this one to watch how it unfolds:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1453156767
Is there somewhere we can see what has already been in the Spotlight so as not to suggest something that's already been...I dunno what word to use here, Spotlit? Maybe a wiki page that could also lead to the relevant API script wiki page. Also, I endorse TrackerJacker as mentioned above, it is an amazing Initiative and Status Tracker.
Hi&nbsp; Larry K. - Thanks for the suggestion, this list is actually how things are being recorded. if it is on this list, then it will eventually be on the menu. :)
Got another one!&nbsp;[Script] Herbalism for D&D 5e based on fan-made content:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1453219379
One more! [Script] RecursiveTables -- Expands Inline Rolls in Rollable Table Results:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
New!&nbsp;[Script] DryErase -- Gives you control over how your players are drawing on your maps: &nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1455652974
We're gonna have to find more from people other than The Aaron :p [Script] ColorEmote -- Release v0.1.0 -- Long form Colored Emotes based on Character, Token, or Player! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
The Aaron
API Scripter
I'm actually pretty proud of how this one turned out: &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I enjoy providing support for games that might not get as much love because of a smaller following... =D
Nice! Def going on the list - ty The Aaron!
So good! :) <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Nice! Thanks for sharing&nbsp; Peter Bergholtz !
Ada L.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
My "It's a Trap" script seems to be pretty widely used. I couldn't find the thread for it, but here's the link to it in the API repo: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
Yes, it is quite an awesome script. &nbsp;My players have since become quite weary of just jumping right into a dungeon because of it :)
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Stephen L. said: My "It's a Trap" script seems to be pretty widely used. I couldn't find the thread for it, but here's the link to it in the API repo: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... I regularly ab use this awesome script. Here is the&nbsp; link to the thread .
Forum Champion
Another awesome script by Matt —Patrols using Waypoints! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thanks&nbsp; Stephen L. - I'll add it to the list!
Silvyre said: Another awesome script by Matt —Patrols using Waypoints! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Silvyre, Thank you for posting this!&nbsp; I had not seen it previously and WOW.&nbsp; I'm loving this.