EDIT: I recognize that this looks like a lot to read at first glance, but I happen to be unnecessarily verbose, and this post provides a lot of information regarding both our games and the group. It is worth the time to read this if you have any interest, honestly. After losing a player recently, I'm looking for a replacement for both my Exalted and upcoming Star Wars game - they are both text-based , using Discord and Skype for OOC communications, and some In-character banter or additions, between sessions (questions, shooting the shit, etc), and Roll20's chat for In-Character roleplaying. Due to the nature of being text-based, these games both focus more heavily on roleplay, than rollplay. Literacy, enthusiasm, and willingness to participate are necessary. The majority of this group has been gaming together for over a year at this point (Or close to 2 in some cases), as a result, we enjoy the presence of each other, even if there are a lot of jabs. Additionally, the group, at times, gets together with several other friends we have made from various games together to play party games, such as Jackbox games, or Cards Against Humanity. As a result, someone who comes in should expect us to be active, and should be active themselves - it seems that people who are very quiet and withdrawn do not stick around long with us, unfortunately. Additionally, you should be open-minded, and unprejudiced, our group consists of several openly LGBT members, and we'd rather not have to deal with drama regarding personal opinions on that matter. As a result, our group is fairly mixed in gender (3 males, 3 females), and is generally young (I am the oldest member, at 28; the youngest member is 17, and everyone else is late teens to early twenties), so there is no majority, nor is it a 'boy's club', even if we do get crude or talk a fair amount of shit at times - it's all in good fun. Despite the youngest member being 17, we're generally all okay with 18+ and more adult situations. In general, any one is free to voice if they are uncomfortable with anything occurring, and we make use of fade-to-black for anything that would be truly objectionable. That said, graphic violence, and sexual themes are at least prevalent in our games (while not necessarily sexual content). We're all mature, and can handle a dick or boobs being described every now and then. Our Exalted group meets on Thursdays (barring scheduling issues), it is currently a group of 5, with a single player currently unable to participate due to poor internet and shared access with another player. The make up of the circle is a Dawn caste Archer (player currently not playing), a Zenith caste Brawler, a Twilight caste swordsman and smith, a Night caste ninja/assassin with a pet sabertooth tiger, and a Night caste survivalist with a pet wolf. The group is eclectic, having a mixture of jabs and banter with each other - in setting the circle has been together for a year, and has endured several hardships with the supernatural already, and come out stronger for it. They are currently hunting a morally ambiguous murderer who has set his red eyes on Realm Dynasts, and potentially, one of their own; in addition, a brief member of their circle has gone missing with one of their travelling companions, who was begun to drive a wedge between two of the characters, unknown to them. Mechanically, they are experienced Solars, starting at Essence 2, rather than the 'new Exalt' baseline that 3rd edition sets. The tone shifts between light to more serious - generally at a whim. Some of the characters are more lighthearted in the face of the darkness of the era and story around them. The Star Wars group is made up of 4 of the 5 members of the Exalted group, who have recently completed CharGen, but have yet to start playing (as of last night). It is a mixture of Edge of the Empire and Force & Destiny characters, with the majority being EotE careers. As a result, every member has an Obligation, and only Jedi have Morality. The crew of the Silver Phoenix, a YT-1300 Freighter, consists of a Corellian Smuggler, the pilot thrust into the fringes by a desire for adventure, and happy accident, rather than any intention of being a scoundrel; a 15 year old Human Technician, a technical genius raised by Jawas on Raxus Prime; a Togruta Sentinel, a youngling saved from Order 66 whilst on her way to Ilum to acquire her first lightsaber crystal, and left unsure of the teachings of the Jedi in an era after the fall of the Jedi Order; and a former Twi'lek Colonist slave once owned by Czerka Arms, and freed by the pilot, becoming the right-hand woman on the Silver Phoenix. The crew now finds themselves under the employ of a former Moff who operates out of a damaged Star Destroyer, following the Battle of Yavin, and has hired the crew to break into an Imperial facility to acquire records, and erase documents regarding his service to the Empire. Both games make use of the API, as we have a member who has a Pro membership, and allows us to use it for Dynamic Lighting and Scripting, so the EotE game is very user friendly, while the Exalted game is a bit rougher, possessing no user-friendly sheet - using Power Cards and some other basic scripts that help us keep track of NPCs/actions. Familiarity with the API is a plus, but never necessary. The same goes for the setting, or games - we don't require anyone to be an expert in Exalted or Star Wars, merely willing to learn. (We have one player in EotE who has never seen any Star Wars film, and only familiar with the setting through the now-defunct EU, while several of us have watched the entirety of Clone Wars and Rebels, to date >->; all of the players were entirely new to Exalted before they began participating.) My pedigree, so to speak, in gaming, is that I have been playing since AD&D 2e, having two decades of experience as a player, and 11 years as a GM. I've ran games in 2e, 3e, 3.5e, and 4e D&D, I currently run a Pathfinder game in an entirely homebrewed setting that I have written in for 7-8 years now(and ran an Asian-inspired PF game where several of these players first met me before that). I have been heavily interested in Exalted, both as a Player and GM since ~2008 or so, and recently took interest in the FFG Star Wars games thanks to The Force Awakens, and the very recent twitch one-shot, Rollplay: Age of Rebellion. In addition, I enjoy and participate in playing Shadowrun, and hold interest in several systems, from Fate, to WoD, to japanese RPGs like Double Cross and Tenra Bansho Zero. Any interest regarding either of these games (you do not have to participate in both games, but we'd greatly appreciate it if we could get one player who was interested in participating in both), should be directed either here or to my PMs. If you have any questions regarding either games, or the group itself, I'll gladly answer here. Any interest will likely follow with an interview (either by myself, or the group) to get a better feel for you as a person, and a player, and see if you might fit in with our schedule, games, or style of fun. I look forward to hearing from potentials.