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[Script] Patrols using Waypoints

February 20 (9 years ago)

Edited March 07 (9 years ago)
I had written a patrol script a while back and wanted to use it in a current campaign only to discover it was in need of an update. Now that I have it where I can easily use it in my game, thought I'd post the updated script. For a simple concept of moving a token, the instructions seem more complex than they really are. If you're interested in this script and have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

Before getting into the script, I must point out that the system uses a token's last move to create the patrol paths. If you're unfamiliar with creating waypoint moves with a token, here's the link to Roll20's wiki page on the topic.

What the Script Does
The script moves tokens along a predefined path at 5 second intervals. Multiple tokens can follow the same path. The distance each token moves with each refresh can be independently set. Tokens can rotate to face the direction they are moving. All patrols are stopped when the turn order window is opened, and resume when it is closed. If a token is moved manually, it will stop patrolling while others continue. A stopped patrol can resume patrol with a command.

Menu Commands
Most of the common commands for setup can be given from the menu. However, there is a limitation with the menu in that the Campaign Ribbon must be on the map in which you will be creating paths. This is so the drop lists for buttons are created properly. (Commands entered manually do not have this restriction.)

!wp menu
Create a Patrol - starts moving selected tokens along a predefined patrol path.
Create a Path - records the selected token's last move as a named patrol path in state data.
Delete a Path - deletes a named patrol path from state data.
Show All Paths - draws each patrol path onto the GM layer and labels each with the patrol name.
Hide All Paths - deletes each drawn path and label from the GM layer.  This does not delete the patrol path from state data.

Every menu command can also be entered directly into the chat window. Commands begin with the api command, then the action to take, then an optional list of parameters. The available list of actions and parameters and their explanations are listed below. Parameters are entered in key:value format

!wp <action> <optional parameters>

!wp addpath North Hall
!wp patrol path:North Hall mode:0 speed:5 rotation:false
!wp modify random:true
!wp on - turn on all patrols.
!wp off - turn off all patrols.
!wp resume - restart a patrolling token that had stopped due to being manually moved.
!wp help - displays the menu commands in chat, identical to !wp menu
!wp menu - displays the menu commands in chat, identical to !wp help
!wp addpath <pathname> - (same as Add Path button) saves a token's last move as a named patrol.
!wp deletepath <pathname> - (same as Delete Path button) deletes a named patrol path.
!wp patrol <parameters> - (same as Create Patrol button) sets the selected token(s) to follow the named patrol path. Additional parameters can be given to customize the patrolling token's movement
!wp modify <parameters> - updates the selected token's patrol movement based on the given parameters. This only affects tokens that are already patrolling.
!wp stoppatrol - stops a token from automatically patrolling. Has the same effect as if the token were moved manually.
!wp showpaths - (same as Show Paths button) draws each saved path onto the GM layer and adds a text label to each path.
!wp hidepaths - (same as Hide Paths button) deletes any drawn paths with showpaths command. This does not delete the patrol path, only the drawn lines.

path - (text, case insensitive) the name of path to follow
mode - (integer -1, 0, or 1) defines how to follow the path, the default is 0
speed - how many units to move with each refresh.  distance is calculated in straight-line distance.  the default is 5
rotation - (0 to 360, or false) defines how a token rotates to face it's next point, or if no rotation should occur, the default is false
random - (true/false) gives a token a 20% on each refresh to not make a patrol move, the default is false
phase - (integer, 0-100) defines the percentage of time a token is phased out, the default is 0

Additional Parameter Information

Mode: There are three modes for a token to patrol. A patrol mode of (1) tells a token to walk the patrol path in order, and when it gets to the last point of its patrol path its next move should be the first point of the path. A patrol mode of (-1) tells a token to walk the patrol path in reverse order, and when it gets to the first point of its patrol path its next move should be the last point of the path. A patrol mode of (0) tells a token to walk the patrol path in order, and when it gets to the last point of a patrol path, it should start walking the path in reverse order.

Rotation: rotation:0The rotation value is the number of degrees that a token needs to be rotated clockwise in order to face down. Tokens are not all created the same, and the script has no way of knowing which way a token is facing. I've found that most tokens are created with the token facing down (see the first token image). If I wanted this token to face the direction its moving when patrolling, I would use the parameter command of rotation:0 because the token needs no additional rotation to normally face down.

rotation:270However, if I have a token that normally is facing to the left (see the second token image), I would need to rotate the token an additional 270 degrees clockwise to have the token facing down. So to have this token face the direction it's moving as it is patrolling, I would use the parameter command of rotation:270.

A parameter of rotation:false will not rotate the token at all. It will retain the angle it had at the moment it started it's patrol.

Random: This option is to add a little uncertainty to the patrol path. With random:true, on each refresh a percentage roll is made. If that roll is less than 20%, then the patrolling token does not move this refresh. With random:false, a token will move on every refresh.

Phase: This option causes a patrolling token to move between the objects layer and GM layer. From the player's perspective, the patrolling token disappears. With each refresh, a percentage roll is made. If the roll is less than the phase value, the token is moved to gmlayer, otherwise it will appear on the objects layer. Using phase:0 or phase:false will disable phasing.

Configuration Options
WPP.Command - the api command given from the chat window
WPP.SpeakAs - who the script sends its whispers as
WPP.RefreshRate - the refresh rate in seconds, 5 seconds is the default, recommended not lower than 3, limited to no lower than 1
WPP.RetainLastMove - if the last move of patrol tokens is retained in lastmove
WPP.ShowPaths - draw patrol paths on GM layer when a path is created or deleted

state.WaypointPatrol = state.WaypointPatrol || {'PatrolStatus': true}

var WPP = {};
WPP.Command = '!wp';
WPP.SpeakAs = 'Patrol';
WPP.RefreshRate = 5; // in seconds, minimum 1
WPP.RetainLastMove = true; //save patrol moves as lastmove
WPP.ShowPaths = true; //refresh visible paths on add or delete
WPP.AddPatrolPath = function(selected, patrolname) {
//make sure the patrol name is provided
if (!patrolname || patrolname.trim() === '' ) { return 'Err: patrol name missing'; }
patrolname = patrolname.toLowerCase();
//verify only one token is selected
if (!selected) { return 'Err: no token selected'; }
if (selected.length !== 1) { return 'Err: multiple tokens selected'; }
if (!selected[0]['_type'] || selected[0]['_type'] !== 'graphic') { return 'Err: selected must be a graphic'; }
//get the token object
var token = getObj('graphic', selected[0]['_id']);
if (!token) { return 'Err: token not found'; }
//read the patrol path from token's last move
var lastmove = token.get('lastmove');
if (lastmove === '') { return 'Err: token missing last move'; }
lastmove = lastmove.split(',');
var pts = [];
while(lastmove.length > 0) {
'left': +lastmove.shift(),
'top' : +lastmove.shift(),
'left': token.get('left'),
'top' : token.get('top'),
//add patrol path to state if it doesn't already exist
var pageid = token.get('_pageid');
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['paths']) { state.WaypointPatrol['paths'] = {}; }
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid]) { state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid] = {}; }
if (state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname]) { return 'Err: name already exists'; }
state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname] = pts;
if (WPP.ShowPaths) { WPP.ShowPatrolPaths(); }
return 'Success: patrol path added';
WPP.DeletePatrolPath = function(patrolname) {
//make sure the patrol name is provided
if (!patrolname || patrolname.trim() === '' ) { return 'Err: patrol name missing'; }
patrolname = patrolname.toLowerCase();
//delete the patrol name if it exists
var pageid = Campaign().get('playerpageid');
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid] || !state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname]) { return 'Err: patrol name does not exist for this map'; }
delete state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname];
if (WPP.ShowPaths) { WPP.ShowPatrolPaths(); }
return 'Success: patrol path deleted.';
WPP.PatrolHelpMenu = function() {
//create a bracketed list of avaialble patrols for the current map
var pageid = Campaign().get('playerpageid');
var paths = [];
if (state.WaypointPatrol['paths'] && state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid] && _.size(state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid]) > 0) {
paths = _.keys(state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid]);
var code = encodeURIComponent(':');
var out = '';
    out = '<div style="background-color: #FFF; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 0.5em; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 2px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">'         + '<div style="font-weight: bold; text-align: center; border-bottom: 1px solid black; font-size: 100%">Map: ' + (getObj('page', pageid).get('name') || '(Untitled)') + '</div>'         + '<div style="padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; overflow: hidden; font-size: 90%">';     if (paths.length > 0) {         out += '<div style="font-weight: bold; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">Create a Patrol<a style="float: right; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0.5em; background-color: #999999; color: #FFF" href="' + WPP.Command + ' patrol path' + code +'?{Name of the path|'+ paths.join('|') + '} mode' + code + '?{Mode|Forward and Backwards,0|Forward Only,1|Backwards Only,-1} speed' + code + '?{Distance moved on each refresh|5} rotation' + code + '?{Angle modifier to face waypoint|Do Not Rotate,false|0 degrees,0|90 degrees,90|180 degrees,180|270 degrees,270}">Patrol</a></div>';         out += '<li style="padding-left: 10px;">Starts moving a token graphic along an existing patrol path.</li>';     } else {         out += '<div style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">You must add a path to this map from a token\'s last move before creating a patrol.</div>';         out += '<div style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">Place a token to where you want the patrol path to begin.  Move the token to where you want the patrol path to end.  You can press the space bar to create turns in the path as you\'re moving the token.  When the token is in the final position, click the \'Path\' button</div>'     }     out += '<div style="font-weight: bold; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">Create a Path<a style="float: right; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0.5em; background-color: #999999; color: #FFF" href="' + WPP.Command + ' addpath ?{Name of the new path}">Path</a></div>';     out += '<li style="padding-left: 10px;">Saves a token\'s last move as a named patrol path for other tokens to follow.</li>';     if (paths.length > 0){         out += '<div style="font-weight: bold; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">Delete a Path<a style="float: right; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0.5em; background-color: #999999; color: #FFF" href="' + WPP.Command + ' deletepath ?{Name of existing path to delete|' + paths.join('|') + '}">Delete</a></div>';         out += '<li style="padding-left: 10px;">Deletes an existing patrol path.</li>';         out += '<div style="font-weight: bold; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">Show All Paths<a style="float: right; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0.5em; background-color: #999999; color: #FFF" href="' + WPP.Command + ' showpaths">Show</a></div>';         out += '<li style="padding-left: 10px;">Draws onto the GM layer all existing patrol paths and labels them.</li>';         out += '<div style="font-weight: bold; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px;">Hide All Paths<a style="float: right; padding: 0px 5px 0px 5px; margin: 0px 5px 0px 5px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0.5em; background-color: #999999; color: #FFF" href="' + WPP.Command + ' hidepaths">Hide</a></div>';         out += '<li style="padding-left: 10px;">Hides all drawn paths and labels.</li>';     }     out += '</div></div>';     sendChat(WPP.SpeakAs, '/w GM ' + out);
WPP.ShowPatrolPaths = function() {
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['paths']) { return; }
state.WaypointPatrol['traces'] = state.WaypointPatrol['traces'] || [];
state.WaypointPatrol['labels'] = state.WaypointPatrol['labels'] || [];
for(pageid in state.WaypointPatrol['paths']) {
for(patrolname in state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid]) {
var pts = [];
var ul = {'left': Infinity, 'top': Infinity};
var lr = {'left': 0, 'top': 0};
for (var pt = 0; pt < state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname].length ; pt++) {
var curr = state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname][pt];
ul = {'left': Math.min(ul['left'],curr['left']), 'top': Math.min(ul['top'], curr['top'])};
lr = {'left': Math.max(lr['left'],curr['left']), 'top': Math.max(lr['top'], curr['top'])};
pts.push(['L', curr['left'], curr['top']]);
state.WaypointPatrol['traces'].push(createObj('path', {
'_pageid' : pageid,
'_path' : JSON.stringify(pts), //see notes
'stroke' : '#ff9900',
'stroke_width': 14,
'layer' : 'gmlayer',
'width' : lr['left'] - ul['left'],
'height' : lr['top'] - ul['top'],
'left' : (lr['left'] - ul['left']) / 2 + ul['left'],
'top' : (lr['top'] - ul['top']) / 2 + ul['top'],
for ( var pt = 0; pt < state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname].length - 1; pt++) {
var p1 = state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname][pt];
var p2 = state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname][pt + 1];
state.WaypointPatrol['labels'].push(createObj('text', {
'_pageid' : pageid,
'text' : 'path: ' + patrolname,
'font_size' : 14,
'color' : 'rgb(0,0,0)',
'font_family': 'Arial',
'layer' : 'gmlayer',
'left' : Math.abs(p1['left']-p2['left']) / 2 + Math.min(p1['left'],p2['left']),
'top' : Math.abs(p1['top']-p2['top']) / 2 + Math.min(p1['top'],p2['top']),
'rotation' : ((p2['left'] < p1['left']) ? Math.atan2(p1['top'] - p2['top'], p1['left'] - p2['left']) : Math.atan2(p2['top'] - p1['top'], p2['left'] - p1['left'])) * 180 / Math.PI
WPP.ShowPaths = true;
WPP.HidePatrolPaths = function() {
if (state.WaypointPatrol['traces']) {
while (state.WaypointPatrol['traces'].length > 0) {
var path = getObj('path', state.WaypointPatrol['traces'].shift());
if (path) { path.remove(); }
if (state.WaypointPatrol['labels']) {
while (state.WaypointPatrol['labels'].length > 0) {
var text = getObj('text', state.WaypointPatrol['labels'].shift());
if (text) { text.remove(); }
WPP.ShowPaths = false;
WPP.SetTokenToPatrol = function(selected, opts) {
//cehck to see if a token has been selected
if (!selected || selected.length === 0) { return 'Err: no token selected'; }
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['tokens']) { state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'] = {}; }
if (!opts || !opts['patrolname'] || opts['patrolname'].trim() === '' ) { return 'Err: patrol name missing'; }
opts['patrolname'] = opts['patrolname'].toLowerCase();
var pageid = getObj(selected[0]['_type'], selected[0]['_id']).get('_pageid');
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['paths'] || !state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid] || !state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][opts['patrolname']]) { return 'Err: patrol name does not exist for this map'; }
var points = state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][opts['patrolname']];
for (i in selected) {
if (selected[i]['_type'] === 'graphic') {
state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[i]['_id']] = {
'patrolname' : opts['patrolname'],
'active' : opts['active'] || true,
'patrolmode' : opts['patrolmode'] || 0,
'movementrate' : opts['movementrate'] || getObj('page', pageid).get('scale_number'),
'rotation' : isNaN(opts['rotation']) ? false : opts['rotation'],
'random' : opts['random'] || false,
'phase' : opts['phase'] || 0,
//move token to closest point on patrol path
var obj = getObj('graphic', selected[i]['_id']);
WPP.MoveTokenToPath(obj, points);
return 'Success: patrol added';
WPP.ModifyPatrollingToken = function(selected, opts) {
if(!selected || selected.length === 0) { return 'Err: no token selected'; }
var pageid = getObj(selected[0]['_type'], selected[0]['_id']).get('_pageid');
if('patrolname' in opts && !state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][opts['patrolname']]) { return 'Err: patrol name does not exist for this map';}
if (state.WaypointPatrol['tokens']) {
for (o in selected) {
if (state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[o]['_id']]) {
for (opt in opts) {
if (opts.hasOwnProperty(opt)) {
state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[o]['_id']][opt] = opts[opt];
switch(opt) {
case 'patrolname':
WPP.MoveTokenToPath(getObj('graphic',selected[o]['_id']), state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][opts[opt]]);
return 'Success: patrol modified';
WPP.RemoveTokenFromPatrol = function(selected) {
if (!selected || selected.length === 0) { return 'Err: no token selected'; }
if (state.WaypointPatrol['tokens']) {
for (o in selected) {
if (selected[o]['_type'] == 'graphic') {
delete state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[o]['_id']];
return 'Success: patrols removed';
WPP.MovePatrols = function() {
//loop through each token in state data, cleanup deleted
if(!state.WaypointPatrol['tokens']) { return; }
for (id in state.WaypointPatrol['tokens']) {
//validate object exists
var obj = getObj('graphic', id);
if (!obj) { delete state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]; continue; }
//validate patrol exists
var pageid = obj.get('_pageid');
var patrolname = state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['patrolname'];
if (!patrolname || !state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid] || !state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname]) {
delete state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id];
//only patrol active units
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][obj.get('_id')]['active']) { continue; }
//check for random movement, 20% chance the token doesn't move
if (state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][obj.get('_id')]['random'] && Math.random() < 0.2) { continue; }
//set up the proper path
var points = state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][pageid][patrolname].slice(0);
switch(state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['patrolmode']) {
case 1: //forward patrolling
case -1: //reverse patrolling
default: //back and forth patrolling
points = points.concat(points.slice(0).reverse());
//set up control variables
var nextindex = state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['nextpointindex'] > points.length -1 ? 0 : state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['nextpointindex'] ;
var moverate = state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['movementrate'] <= 0 ? 5 : state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['movementrate'];
var distremain = moverate * 70 / getObj('page', obj.get('_pageid')).get('scale_number');
var newpoint = {'left': obj.get('left'), 'top': obj.get('top')};
var lastmove = [newpoint['left'], newpoint['top']];
//move along the path based on the movement rate of the token
do {
var disttonext = WPP.Distance(newpoint, points[nextindex]);
if (distremain > disttonext) {
newpoint = points[nextindex];
distremain -= disttonext;
nextindex = (nextindex >= points.length - 1) ? 0 : nextindex + 1;
} else {
var moveratio = distremain / disttonext;
var newrotation = (state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['rotation'] === false) ? obj.get('rotation') : Math.atan2(points[nextindex]['top'] - newpoint['top'], points[nextindex]['left'] - newpoint['left']) * 180 / Math.PI - 90 + state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['rotation'] ;;
newpoint = {
'left': moveratio * (points[nextindex]['left'] - newpoint['left']) + newpoint['left'],
'top' : moveratio * (points[nextindex]['top'] - newpoint['top']) + newpoint['top'],
'left' : newpoint['left'],
'top' : newpoint['top'],
'lastmove' : WPP.RetainLastMove ? lastmove.join(',') : '',
'layer' : Math.random() < state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['phase'] ? 'gmlayer' : 'objects' ,
'rotation' : newrotation,
state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['nextpointindex'] = nextindex;
distremain = 0;
} while (distremain > 0);
WPP.Resume = function(selected) {
if(!selected || !state.WaypointPatrol['tokens']) { return; }
for (id in selected) {
if (state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[id]['_id']]) {
//set the token patrol status to active
state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[id]['_id']]['active'] = true;
//move token to the closest point on path
var obj = getObj('graphic', selected[id]['_id']);
WPP.MoveTokenToPath(obj, state.WaypointPatrol['paths'][obj.get('_pageid')][state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][selected[id]['_id']]['patrolname']]);
WPP.Distance = function(p1, p2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((p1['left'] - p2['left']),2) + Math.pow((p1['top'] - p2['top']),2));
WPP.MoveTokenToPath = function(obj, path) {
//set up control variables
var pt = {'left': obj.get('left'), 'top': obj.get('top')};
var newpt = pt;
var nextid = 0;
var delta = {'left': 0, 'top': 0};
var dmin = Infinity;
//loop through each path segment and find the closest point
for( var i = 0; i < path.length-1; i++) {
//get the next line segment in the path
var p1 = path[i];
var p2 = path[i+1];
//calculate the closest point on the segment to the token
var delta = {'left': p2['left'] - p1['left'], 'top': p2['top'] - p1['top']};
var u = ((pt['left'] - p1['left']) * delta['left'] + (pt['top'] - p1['top']) * delta['top']) / (Math.pow(delta['left'], 2) + Math.pow(delta['top'], 2));
u = ( u > 1 ) ? 1 : (u < 0) ? 0 : u;
var testpt = {'left': p1['left'] + u * delta['left'], 'top': p1['top'] + u * delta['top']};
var d = WPP.Distance(testpt, pt);
//save point if it's the closest point of all segments
if (d < dmin) {
dmin = d;
nextid = i + 1;
newpt = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(testpt)); //deep copy of obj
//move token to closest point
'left' : newpt['left'],
'top' : newpt['top'],
'lastmove' : obj.get('left') + ',' + obj.get('top'),
//set the next index patrol point for token
state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][obj.get('_id')]['nextpointindex'] = nextid;
on('chat:message', function(msg) {
var params = msg.content.split(' ');
if (msg.type !== 'api' || !playerIsGM(msg.playerid) || params.shift().toLowerCase() !== WPP.Command.toLowerCase() || params.length === 0) { return; }
var replyTo = '/w ' + msg.who.split(' ')[0] + ' ';
var cmd = params.shift().toLowerCase();
var out = undefined;
//set default parameters
var options = {};
function ReadParam(key) {
keys = {
'path' : function(val) { options['patrolname'] = val; },
'random' : function(val) { options['random'] = (val.toLowerCase() === 'true'); },
'phase' : function(val) { options['phase'] = isNaN(val) ? 0 : Math.min(Math.max(0,val),100) / 100; },
'active' : function(val) { options['active'] = (val.toLowerCase() === 'true'); },
'mode' : function(val) { options['patrolmode'] = (val =='1' || val =='-1') ? parseInt(val) : 0; },
'speed' : function(val) { options['movementrate'] = (isNaN(val) || val < 1) ? 1 : parseFloat(val); },
'rotation' : function(val) { options['rotation'] = isNaN(val) ? false : parseInt(val % 360); },
'default' : function() { out = 'Err: Unknown parameter [' + key + ']'; },
return (keys[key.toLowerCase()] || keys['default']);
while (params.length > 0) {
var opt = decodeURIComponent(params.shift()).split(':');
switch (opt.length) {
case 1:
if (options['patrolname']) { options['patrolname'] += ' ' + opt[0]; } else { options['patrolname'] = opt[0]; }
case 2:
out = 'Err: too many delimiters';
//exit if parameters are invalid
if (out) {
sendChat(WPP.SpeakAs, replyTo + out);
switch(cmd) {
case 'on': case 'off':
state.WaypointPatrol['PatrolStatus'] = (cmd === 'on');
out = 'Patrolling ' + cmd.toUpperCase();
case 'resume':
case 'help': case 'menu':
out = WPP.PatrolHelpMenu(); //ListPatrolPaths();
case 'addpath':
out = WPP.AddPatrolPath(msg.selected, options['patrolname']);
case 'deletepath':
out = WPP.DeletePatrolPath(options['patrolname']);
case 'patrol':
out = WPP.SetTokenToPatrol(msg.selected, options);
case 'modify':
out = WPP.ModifyPatrollingToken(msg.selected, options);
case 'stoppatrol':
out = WPP.RemoveTokenFromPatrol(msg.selected);
case 'showpaths':
case 'hidepaths':
out = 'Err: unknown command [' + cmd + ']';
if (out) { sendChat(WPP.SpeakAs, replyTo + out); }
on('change:graphic', function(obj, old) {
var id = obj.get('_id');
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'] || !state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id] || state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][id]['active'] === false) return;
if (obj.get('left') === old['left'] && obj.get('top') === old['top'] && obj.get('height') === old['height'] && obj.get('width') === old['width'] && obj.get('rotation') === old['rotation']) { return; }
state.WaypointPatrol['tokens'][obj.get('_id')]['active'] = false;
on('ready', function() {
setInterval(function() {
//do nothing if not enabled or initiative page is open
if (!state.WaypointPatrol['PatrolStatus'] || Campaign().get('initiativepage')) { return; }
}, Math.max(WPP.RefreshRate,1) * 1000);
log('Script loaded: Waypoint Patrols' + (state.WaypointPatrol['PatrolStatus'] ? ', actively patrolling' : ''));
Brilliant Script man! Using it now in all my dungeons, easy set up. Any reason the min refresh rate is 5 seconds? would love to have smoother patrols but otherwise it's absolutely brilliant!
March 05 (9 years ago)

Edited March 07 (9 years ago)
Thanks, Ashley.  Think the 5-sec was more a personal choice at the time, not really any specific limitation.  I wanted to make sure I had time to catch what was going on with my group and not miss patrol movement.

I've updated the original code to go as low as 1 sec update.

Edit: While the script allows for a 1 sec update, in practice I've found that anything less than 3 seconds can cause some undesirable visual effects as tokens might still be moving on screen when the script updates a patrol.  
March 05 (9 years ago)
The Aaron
API Scripter
This is amazing.  Took me a minute to figure it out, but once I got it, pretty easy.

One question, is there a way to have the script whisper the menu and stuff to the GM?
March 07 (9 years ago)

Edited March 07 (9 years ago)
Indeed.  No reason this should go to the players anyway.  I wanted to revisit the "help" menu, and I'll be sure to keep this GM eyes only.

March 07 (9 years ago)

Edited March 07 (9 years ago)

Kaelev said:

One question, is there a way to have the script whisper the menu and stuff to the GM?

The original code has been updated to reflect this.  Thanks.

Matt said:

Kaelev said:

One question, is there a way to have the script whisper the menu and stuff to the GM?

The original code has been updated to reflect this.  Thanks.

Perfect! Thank you.  Now I can add them seamlessly and no one is the wiser.

So this script really upped the immersion for a scene just played out by my group in Out of the Abyss.  I'm truly enjoying this script.  Makes certain scenes truly come alive visually.  Just wanted to say thanks!
March 18 (9 years ago)

Josh Stotz said:

So this script really upped the immersion for a scene just played out by my group in Out of the Abyss.  I'm truly enjoying this script.  Makes certain scenes truly come alive visually.  Just wanted to say thanks!

Thanks, Josh!  Always appreciate hearing positive feedback!
April 14 (9 years ago)
Ada L.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sorry to revive an old thread, but have you considered contributing this to the Roll20 API scripts repository? This would make a great addition to the new Scripts Library.
Hey matt, been a bit, but just wanted to stop in a say I love the new updates man, looking real good!
April 18 (8 years ago)
Thank you both.  :)  I will have to look into adding to the repository, all new to me.