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[5e Shaped] v2.0.11 NPCs near complete

Kaelev said: Here's the scenario. You have a current campaign using the old sheet. You make a copy of it. Choosing either the original or copy, you go into the game settings and change to the new version of the sheet. All character data in the game you changed to the new sheet will automatically converted. The game whose sheet is still set to the old sheet will remain intact, without any changes what so ever. As for data loss in the campaign version you changed to the new sheet, it's unknown at this point I imagine Kyrx will be looking into that once the sheet is ready to go.  [Edit] Unless the old sheet is removed completely. Then I don't know what will happen. Currently, I have a campaign that I copied. One set to the new sheet and the original which my players and I use weekly.  I did that too, to see the changes. And I understand there will not be an option for the old sheet. Then I wondered, could I copy the old sheet into a custom sheet? But we must move on...
I'm a pro user, so I use the sheet through what's posted on github. So unless Roll20 does something so the code doesn't work anymore, I'm hoping I won't see any changes in my original campaign. 
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kaelev said: I'm a pro user, so I use the sheet through what's posted on github. So unless Roll20 does something so the code doesn't work anymore, I'm hoping I won't see any changes in my original campaign.  You will see changes on the original campaign. All shaped campaigns will convert to the new sheet once I release it. There is no other way to do it unless I release a totally different sheet which I believe Roll20 would not like. 2.0.13 Drag & Drop spells now work for Drag & Dropped NPCs like Archmage. PC Skills use the new span option to have a better alignment of the ability chooser Creature name now populates on Drag & Drop. Abilities, AC, and Init also use the new span option (more to come) Fixed damage string on attacks to prevent starting with "+" Fixed default strength on attack NPC level set to challenge so cantrips work
2.0.13 Drag & Drop spells now work for Drag & Dropped NPCs like Archmage. PC Skills use the new span option to have a better alignment of the ability chooser Creature name now populates on Drag & Drop. Abilities, AC, and Init also use the new span option (more to come) Fixed damage string on attacks to prevent starting with "+" Fixed default strength on attack NPC level set to challenge so cantrips work I am trying to understand the benefit that the new span option, can you explain this a bit more?  Is it something that provides some specific benefit, or something more "under the hood" that allows things to be easier to maintain/code?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Input width cannot adjust to the content while a span can. It solves a lot of formatting problems, especially on the NPC page. For example I made saving throws look decent with a lot of css, but it wasn't perfect. With this it can be perfect. It'll also work on npc skills so the bonus isn't so far away from the name.
I just tested this a minute ago in the reshaped campaign with the "Bat" character (I didn't see a PC in there). I gave the bat a quarterstaff on the pc sheet. The bat's str has a penalty. The damage is 1d6 -- 3 (or whatever). Damage is always zero. I first noticed this on my campaign with an 8 str, so I assume it's any penalty. I don't think that's the bug you just fixed, so I thought I'd report it. I left the bat as it was.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Please provide steps to reproduce. I tested the other day by dragging and dropping longsword and manually typing it
Well, as I said, the bat is set up for you right now. If you make a PC character in that campaign, I'll show you lickity split. Otherwise, create a character. Give them an 8 str. Add an attack on the equipment page. Drop the quarterstaff in from the srd. Attack from the core page.

Edited 1455891549
KS Backer
Are you planning to add Reactions to the NPC sheet? Example Marilith, which has a heading "Actions" and one for "Reactions" Actually on second thought, maybe keep Reactions under Actions as it is now, but add " (Reaction)" to their title line so that it's clear how they are to be taken. That way, the sheet doesn't get cluttered with a section that is very rarely used, and it's still immediately clear that the NPC's reaction will be used, not their action, not bonus, not free.
Is this version "playable" yet in its current state?

Edited 1455861508
Robert D. said: I just tested this a minute ago in the reshaped campaign with the "Bat" character (I didn't see a PC in there). I gave the bat a quarterstaff on the pc sheet. The bat's str has a penalty. The damage is 1d6 -- 3 (or whatever). Damage is always zero. I first noticed this on my campaign with an 8 str, so I assume it's any penalty. I don't think that's the bug you just fixed, so I thought I'd report it. I left the bat as it was. Kryx said: Please provide steps to reproduce. I tested the other day by dragging and dropping longsword and manually typing it Pretty sure the buggy line is "{ if (damageAbility < 0) { damageFormula += SUBTRACT; } else { damageFormula += ADD; } }". Removing it makes the damage work for PCs with minus stats, but breaks damage for PCs with positive stats. EDIT: Replacing the line with "{ if (damageAbility != 0) { damageFormula += ADD; } }" fixes the damage roll for PCs with both positive and negative stats, though the Damage text for weapons when a PC has a negative stat affecting the damage formula still shows a double minus e.g. "1d8--1 bludgeoning" for a PC with a -1 Str Mod using a Warhammer. EDIT 2: Realised the secondDamageFormula would need to be changed from: "{ if (secondDamageAbility < 0) { secondDamageFormula += SUBTRACT; } else { secondDamageFormula += ADD; } }" to "{ if (secondDamageAbility != 0) { secondDamageFormula += ADD; } }" as well. Also, for the damageString, the below lines should work: "{ if (damageAddition < 0) { damageString += SUBTRACT; } else { damageString += ADD; } }" changed to "{ if (damageAddition < 0) { damageString += SPACE; } else { damageString += ADD; } }" and "{ if (secondDamageAddition < 0) { damageString += SUBTRACT; } else { damageString += ADD; } }" changed to "{ if (secondDamageAddition < 0) { damageString += SPACE; } else { damageString += ADD; } }".
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Negative ability bonus seems to be fixed. Thanks for the reproduction steps Robert. @Thorsten: I will add repeating which will be the same as actions, yes. It will be a separate section as it is on monsters. It will only show on edit mode if it isn't set. @Wade: The PCs have been playable for a bit now. I started using them 2 weeks ago. NPCs still need actions, but other than that are working perfectly fine.
Did you post that to github, or are you waiting for more fixes?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Pushed it, so it's available.
Thanks. That fixed it. Looks like we can't add lair actions yet. I'll hold off on adding a test dragon.

Edited 1455908680
Sheet Author
API Scripter
No actions are working. They aren't done yet.
Just playing with it anyway. It looks like I can add other things, so I thought it was worth pointing out. Can I change the proficiency bonus on a monster? I'm pretty sure that all the ones in the MM don't follow the same pattern. (Some are based on HD, some on CR).
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Proficiency bonus is based on CR. See MM around page 8.
I was sure they broke that rule. Never mind. Can't find one now.
Sorry if this was answered before, but does this new version of the shaped sheet allow drag and drop from the 5e compendium like the SRD roll20 sheet?  I like the new roll20 sheet, but the shaped sheet does so much more and starting my first campaign I want my players to be able to set up skills and class resources better than what the SRD sheet allows at this time.  Thanks in advance for all the work everyone puts into these sheets...they are so great!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, it supports drag and drop for items, weapons, spells, monsters, armor.
It's made of awesome.

Edited 1455913138
Robert D.
Sheet Author
Oh! Feature request: Have a way to attach features to attacks. For instance, it would be nice to be reminded about an assassin's sneak attack when you make their main attack.
Thanks Kryx, so if I am reading things right, currently to get this functionality I need to install the sheet manually.  Any idea when it will be pushed out to the masses?
Kryx said: Yes, when it is complete. Old estimate is about 1 week or 2 weeks from day. Seems fairly accurate still. @Mark B. 
Grabbed the most recent version before testing. Issue PC skills no longer seem to show the skill name. NPCs do but not PC so clicking Acrobatics just gives "(Dex)" in the title instead of referencing the name properly like it does with NPCs. Thought Is it possible to have a two roll option without the grey numbers? I like to always roll two numbers now regardless of advantage/disadvantage so most of the time I would only use the first roll even when using the roll twice option but this looks odd with the grey is making one number, sometimes the first, less visible. While it works great, I would prefer an option in the settings tab along with the others where neither number was made grey and both are displayed as they were before the feature was added.
Robert D. said: Oh! Feature request: Have a way to attach features to attacks. For instance, it would be nice to be reminded about an assassin's sneak attack when you make their main attack. That already exists. Attachers, under resources. 

Edited 1455915804
Robert D.
Sheet Author
I'm referring to the NPC sheet.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Robert: I can make attachers available on NPC sheets. Though I wouldn't recommend using them for sneak attack. But as always you're free to use it however you want. @Oz: I cannot reproduce that skill issue. Please try it on the test campaign and provide reproduction steps. On gray text: Rolling twice is always with advantage so it shows the behavior of such. There is a possibility that in the future there can be more roll options added, but for now that's what we have.
Why don't you recommend using them on Sneak Attack. Technical issue?

Edited 1455922682
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sneak attack does not apply on every attack. And sneak attack is damage so it belongs under attacks (with just damage), not as text as a reminder. I would also not recommend setting Hunter's Mark as an attacher or Colossus Slayer as an attacher. They all fall in the same category.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
2.0.14 Skills and Saving throws now have a "+" or "-" sign. Saving throws now use Sheet Workers instead of auto calc (sheet is auto-calc free!) Saving throws and skills use the new span syntax for NPCs and align much better.
Oh yeah. That probably works with this npc format. In the community contributed sheet, there was so much scrolling up and scrolling down that if the attack didn't dump every bit of text I might need, I'd miss things in almost every battle.
I get the same thing with skills in the test game as well.  I have used the most recent on both an old test game, as well as a brand new game. So I made a New game, started it, set the sheet up and created the first character in a fresh game and got the same issue. I also got the same issue when using "copy of clean" from the test game as well. So for me, it is reproduced in all the games I have tested using the newest sheet version. Here is what It looks like to me when clicking PC skills even in the test game. An older version of the sheet (around the start of NPCs) still worked but also began to do as seen below when updated. Custom skills or adjusting prof/expertise in the skill does not fix the issue.
He's right, just tried this myself. Same results.

Edited 1455965385
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah, in the output ! This is why bug reports have to be very detailed - because developers like myself are notoriously bad at identifying what you mean. I thought you meant on the sheet. This behavior seems really weird. I'll have to debug this more. EDIT: Fixed it for both PCs and NPCs. Weird behavior with the new span syntax.

Edited 1455975379
Sheet Author
API Scripter
2.0.15 Skill names in the roll template are fixed for PCs and NPCs NPC items like AC, Initiative, etc click the whole row now when in "presentation" mode. All of them use the span syntax now Span syntax on traits, actions, legendary actions Lots of cleanup on NPCs due to the span syntax I now know how to do actions so I'll be doing that in a few hours.
God this looks amazing.
Is it possible to make actions token actions for monsters automatically?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The sheet cannot create token actions. Kevin has a script that he'll adapt when I finish.

Edited 1456008882
Sheet Author
API Scripter
2.1.0 Traits can roll (will probably set them up like actions) Actions can roll. They've been setup to be like attacks. I've parsed a bit so far, but a fair amount to parse still. Legendary Actions/Reactions/Traits/Senses/Languages/etc only show on "Presentation" mode if they have something set. Senses/Speed/Armor Note/etc remove Roll20 added capitalization that doesn't match the SRD. XP now has a comma for bigger numbers (NPCs only) Fixed spell Concentration import from Drag&Drop (thanks for the PR) Lots more parsing to do. My earlier timeline was incorrect based on this parsing. I think it'll catch most cases by tomorrow though.
API Scripter
Hey, This is looking totally amazing - so good to see the NPC actions starting to work now! A quick question, is it really necessary to have a special "npc_speed" as opposed to the normal "speed"? It's something that's often scripted (e.g. movement tracking) and it just makes it that bit more fiddly if different tokens have different movement attributes :-/ Cheers. Lucian
Sheet Author
API Scripter
"speed" is a number (typically 30) for PCs "npc_speed" is a string (something like 30ft., swim 50ft., burrow 20ft.) They aren't the same field. I could potentially parse out the normal speed and place that in "speed" if it helps.
API Scripter
Kryx said: "speed" is a number (typically 30) for PCs "npc_speed" is a string (something like 30ft., swim 50ft., burrow 20ft.) They aren't the same field. I could potentially parse out the normal speed and place that in "speed" if it helps. Ah, I see. Yes, parsing it out at some point would be handy. Thanks! Lucian
I'm not sure if this is a bug or just something weird in my campaign. It was working great last night. Right now when I: Open a PC Go to the Spells Page Add a spell Nothing happens. If I page back to core and then to the spell page again, the blank spell form is not there and ready for entry or drag and drop. I think it's probably just that the screen isn't refreshing. Anyone else seing this behavior. I just updated to the newest sheet.

Edited 1456024370
So I've notice another UI issue. It seems in Firefox the Skills and Saves don't line up right. In Firefox the bonus number ends up above the text instead of to the left. I should add that the same issue appears in your test campaign. So it is present in the 2.1 release.

Edited 1456047615
Sheet Author
API Scripter
@Robert: I cannot reproduce this behavior. Clicking "add" on "Spells" shows a blank spell form for me on chrome. @BP: I've fixed this issue. It is available now.

Edited 1456052548
Sheet Author
API Scripter
2.1.1 Fixed Saving Throws and Skill alignment for Firefox. Also ensured it works when using larger text sizes via browser (yay!). It looks good on Chrome an Firefox even at higher text sizes - no wrapping that I can see. Action recharge now properly extracts from the name and is put in the recharge field, but still displayed visually next to name when viewing it on "Presentation mode" Fixed Legendary Actions/Reactions/Traits/Senses/Languages/etc only showing on "Presentation" mode if they have something set. This actually wasn't working before. Increased the size of the "Name" field for actions. Still would like to clean it up a bit to make it more apparent what you're editing if possible. Traits, Reactions, Legendary Actions, and Lair Actions all work like actions now. Meaning they all can have an attack, saving throw, damage, damage 2, extras. So it looks like most everything is setup. For Legendary Actions I think I'll leave the cost amount in the name. I could potentially extract it in the future if needed. I now just need to parse secondary damage (Bite on Ancient Black Dragon for example) and saving throws (Acid Breath on Ancient Black Dragon for example) and probably a few more things. I'll handle those in a few hours.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Saving throws and secondary damage seem to be parsed. I'll need to test more later. I haven't tested anything beyond stuff working immediately after dragging the creature in. Adjusting the freetext area should work, but any other adjustments like toggling a section off may not work.