We love in-line rolling, we really do. However, the only area in which my group thinks it falls short is in the matter of criticals. We use a 2d6 system in which a double 1 is a critical failure and a double 6 is a critical success. We love 2d6, you get a bell curve for free and the crits are 1 in 36 rather than 1 in 20. Nice. So, although we love in-line rolling for the space saving we always have to hover over the result to see whether it was a critical or not. The current system does the red outline if either of the dice was 1 or a green outine if either was a 6. That's a long way of asking is there any method of customising what a critical is? So that, for example, we only get the red outline if all the dice return a 1? Cheers, Mr G.