Heya guys! so i have a specific situation here. I game with people that are here at the table but i also have friends that skype in. I have 4 monitors that i use to broadcast with (yes i know its bit excessive but i need them). i'm going to mainly concentrate on 2 screens here. So the GM (Me) is using screen 1, the players at the table are using screen 2. but the players online are using their screens (which is fine but i'm more concerned about the people around the table here). SO.....naturally...i cant have the players looking at my screen 1, so i need to try to have another instance of Roll20 on another screen. which i can do but... i cant have two DIFFERENT usernames signed in on the same PC. So the players at the table will be able to see the player instance of Roll20 and i'll have my own instance (signed in of course) of GM Roll20 screen. is there a trick that i can do this?? or what can i do to fix this?? (I really hope you understand what i'm trying to do here, if not just say, and i can try and elaborate on the situation) Thank you very much! Tim