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Update 1/26: 5th Edition SRD Mega-Update: New Sheet, New Compendium, plus Compendium drag-and-drop integration!

I noticed an error on the  Giant Elk compendium page: the AC for the giant elk should be 14  (not 15) according to the SRD5, on page 370. 
Is it possible to get a scaling option? I would like to have the sheet bigger on my secondary monitor, but if I use the zoom-option of my browser some areas of the sheet get thrown around...
Stephen Koontz
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Keren said: Is it possible to get a scaling option? I would like to have the sheet bigger on my secondary monitor, but if I use the zoom-option of my browser some areas of the sheet get thrown around... This is something we're discussing internally. Roll20 as a whole doesn't support browser zooming but we understand for vision needs and resolution preferences it'd be helpful to support.
I'm having a small issue inputting spells outside the SRD (Eldritch Blast for example) that involve attack rolls. When selected and filled out, it doesn't yield any rolls in the chat. Is this a bug or am I missing something?  
Stephen Koontz
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Matthew S. said: I'm having a small issue inputting spells outside the SRD (Eldritch Blast for example) that involve attack rolls. When selected and filled out, it doesn't yield any rolls in the chat. Is this a bug or am I missing something? It sounds like something isn't working as intended. I've got a bug fix for manually updating damage not checking the damage in the attack. When you create a spell and set it to attack, it creates a paired section in the ATTACKS AND SPELLCASTING section on the CORE tab. That's what's being rolled. Check there for what piece isn't set up correctly.
Is it possible to either only have the DM be able to see anything from the SRD that isn't in the PHB or simply remove all non-PHB from the SRD tab in game? Sure, some players might just go look up your monsters stats or whatever anyway but even those who wouldn't likely do such a thing might just do it because it's there. I think it's a very negative addition as is because of this.
Khane said: Is it possible to either only have the DM be able to see anything from the SRD that isn't in the PHB or simply remove all non-PHB from the SRD tab in game? Here's what Riley D. of the Roll20 Dev Team has said about this : We've had a couple of people bring up this topic. The truth is that the players can just as easily keep a Google tab open and do a search for any Monster that you may be using if it's clearly labeled or they identify it "in-game". We're considering adding an option so that you can "filter" Categories from the Compendium that players don't have access to, but I'm not sure that it's anything more than security theatre :-)
It's just different if you simply place the information before them in a way that seems normal to look at since it's right there rather than having to actually go look it up. Like leaving sweets on the counter and just expecting everyone not to take any rather than putting them away where they'd actually have to go look or just leaving money on a counter rather than using a register.
Is there a list of the templates used for building macros, similar to the one for 5E shaped - see link? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...
I have listed some of them in this thread&nbsp; here . It's not an exhaustive list but it is helpful to get started.&nbsp;
I've found missing spells, Is there somewhere we can go to post which spells are missing and is there a way to homebrew something in our own compaign. &nbsp;Is there somewhere we can list what's missing?&nbsp;
Fshnurb said: I've found missing spells, Is there somewhere we can go to post which spells are missing The 5th Edition SRD Compendium can only contain information (such as race and class options, feats, spells, treasure, monsters, etc.) that is located within WoTC's recently-released SRD . If WoTC releases more SRD content under an Open Gaming License, you can count on that being added to the Compendium. If you believe you have found content that exists in WoTC's recently-released SRD but cannot be found in the&nbsp; 5th Edition SRD Compendium , feel free to mention your findings in this thread. is there a way to homebrew something in our own compaign. Regarding customizing/personalizing Compendiums, Steve K. of the Roll20 Dev Team mentioned that this may become a feature .
I'm having trouble figuring out how to add abilities. &nbsp;Are there plans to add drag and drop support for abilities (for example, the Paladin's "Lay on Hands")?
Stephen Koontz
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Mike said: I'm having trouble figuring out how to add abilities. &nbsp;Are there plans to add drag and drop support for abilities (for example, the Paladin's "Lay on Hands")? There is no structured data at the moment for classes. That's something that would have to change if we were going to move forward with that functionality.
Forgive me if this has been mentioned. I saw it elsewhere in the thread but with no follow-up. Some of the boxes on my sheet are overlapping. We had a 2-3 month long from the particular campaign&nbsp;I use it for so I don't recall if it is a new issue or if I never noticed it. Making the window larger doesn't help neither does changing the sizes of the different&nbsp;box. Screen resolution is 1920X1080

Edited 1460425916
Carolyn , what is your browser's zoom level set to? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Could you please try out Ctrl-0 and let us know if it helps?

Edited 1461363064
One thing I can't figure out about the 5th OGL sheet is how to change the repeating resource names by setting an attribute, or access the values in a macro. &nbsp;None of the usual things are working for me (repeating_resource_$0_left, repeating_resource_&lt;row id&gt;_left, etc). Nevermind , figured it out. &nbsp;It's repeating_resource_$0_resource_left, or rowID instead of $#.
Loving the new compendium and character sheet and the drag and drop makes it so much quicker and easier. Only issue I've noticed so far is that some of the paladin spells are missing; all of the smite spells and Compelled Duel, but I've only been looking at the level 2 stuff so there may be more further down.
Is there a way to get the NPC attacks to show up as token actions?

Edited 1462635926
ramy L. said: Loving the new compendium and character sheet and the drag and drop makes it so much quicker and easier. Only issue I've noticed so far is that some of the paladin spells are missing; all of the smite spells and Compelled Duel, but I've only been looking at the level 2 stuff so there may be more further down. Note that the official SRD ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) does not contain everything in the Player's Handbook . That being said, Wizards of the Coast recently added some items to the SRD (notably eldritch blast and branding smite ). The SRD FAQ says "The goal of the SRD is to allow users to create new content, not to replicate the text of the whole game."
Stephen Koontz
Forum Champion
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Robert K. said: Is there a way to get the NPC attacks to show up as token actions? You can set up Abilities that reference NPC actions on a case by case basis and those can be set to be Token Actions. The best way to do this is to create a global macro that references the selected token's character sheet, and do a macro for the first, second, third, etc NPC actions.
Silvyre said: Carolyn , what is your browser's zoom level set to? In Firefox and Chrome the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-0 will reset the zoom level to default (100%). Could you please try out Ctrl-0 and let us know if it helps? I'm having the same problem but on a scale where it's making the sheet unusable. Zooming out once sort of helped, but zooming out any further made it worse again. Also I wouldn't be able to read well and keep up with everything if I have to constantly zoom in and out so it's hardly a fix. Is there anything else I can do? I'm in Chrome at 100%
Alice , what's your screen resolution? Have you tried another browser?