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Player Applications for the Sith reborn.


Edited 1457390453
Hi, my name is "that one sith" and has of right now am looking for one or two more players for my all sith game. i will list things that i need for this game down below. - Sith only ( all sith or no sith) - Player Name (You don't have to do this) - Skype Name (you need Skype for this game) - Character Name - Race (any race) - Class ( i would like mostly force users) - Back ground (Make your guy/girl stand out and not just normal sith, do something to stand out or make Back ground) - Give me a picture of your guy/girl (i don't what Sith Strippers) Now here's the lore of this game  R2-D2 and C3PO were destroyed by the Imperial Army when they tried to escape via escape pod. Not long after the Rebel Base was blown away by the Death Star, both Lord Vader and Lord Sidious went missing, there are many rumors as to what had happened to them, some people say that they were both suffered a heart attack, or perhaps they went mad and killed each other, but nobody really knows their whereabouts, or how they died. This game however will not take places right after Lord Vader and Lord Sidious went missing, but in will take place 100 years after this, so the star wars you know is long gone. The Empire once ruled most of the known Galaxy and commanded the largest fleet never to be built... is now long gone, all of it, gone. Even the Imperial fleet that was once know for its brutality is now, gone... Destroyed by the putty infighting. The mighty Star Destroyers that were in the number of millions and were being built in the thousands, now there are only about a few thousand star Destroyers left after the 100 years of Imperial civil war. The Empire once ruled all of the Galaxy, but now it's just hundreds of small petty empires fighting each other for what's left. To make things only worst, new powers are now rising becoming more and more powerful. The new mandalorian crusade that is made up of millions of well armed mandalorians are easily destroying any thing that stands up to them. The new mandalore called Therk the blooded is on stoppable, with very able stand against him. The hutt’s are also making their own empire, paying Moff to work for them or just simply assassinate them and get someone else to work for them. Then there’s the “New republic” it’s now the largest of powers in the galaxy has of right now, Hundreds of worlds are joining them, even Moff’s are joining them. Only make things worse the jedi of all groups are making a comeback, once thought died are now back. With all this going on in galaxy at large, sith and the empire must and will come back. The old rule of two was that once helped us hide from our enemies was useful, but now we need the old way to being us back. Your master Darth vicril had gather you all to he’s side, but before you could full on sith on be giving you light saber, he died from he’s old age. However before he died he did give something, an old Star Destroyer (with heavy damage) form ages a long ago, and also a crew to man it.

Edited 1457917864
Howdy there, I'd love to play a star wars game, but have no experience with any of the star wars game systems, I do have the Star Wars Saga edition core rule book and ultimate alien anthology. Are those relevant? Beyond that, I ask when the game would be likely to take place and if you'd help a new player learn the system. As for the info you asked for: - Totes a Sith sure(Would like to discuss ramifications of this at some point, for instance, do I have to be evil? Or am I a sith in the sense that I use emotions to fuel my use of the force?) - Player Name: Zach - Skype Name: I'd rather not post that on forum, but I do have it and am willing to use it. - Character Name: Artorias (Darth Eboncross) - Race: Feeorin - Class: Again, not sure what game system your using, so going on the aforementioned Saga rule book, Jedi? I'm guessing we'd just rename it sith? - Background: Frankly I'm not a huge fan of the classical "Conquer the galaxy and kill all jedi!" approach to being a sith. I get that Being a sith involves a destined to rule everyone mentality, but I like it more for the personal freedom and power aspects at the core of the ideology. My character would have sought out or followed Darth Vicril for the chance to obtain personal internal power. I as a person fear vulnerability and I like this to reflect in my characters, with that in mind, my particular awakening to the force would have involved a situation in which I was helpless and furious/terrified. I imagine that, since the Feeorin are a nomadic mercenary people, that this happened as a youth during a military engagement of some kind in which I was captured by an enemy and nearly killed. You haven't revealed any particular methods of recruitment that Darth Vicril used, so I'm somewhat at a loss to extrapolate beyond that. Let me know what you think. (Edit, forgot the picture): 

Edited 1457798956
Finally playing a Sith? Hell yea I'm in. I suppose you'll want to know my experiences and such. Well I've GM'd more than played but yea I have played Fanatsy Flight's Star Wars systems and many of their other works. I've delved into the pit that is DnD and Pathfinder and emerged traumatized but sane. I've also played a lot of indie stuff. As for my playstyle, I enjoy having more interaction be it social or explorative in any campaign. I may play the brute, the brains or the face but I enjoy taking the time to put some thought before jumping into any situation and prefer to settle things out of combat. I honestly dont like most combat as it takes away from the experience of the game and slows it down immensely, and because I have a hard time min-maxing while keeping to my character concept. - Player Name (I usually go by Goat. It's easy to remember) - Skype Name (goatman92-rp) - Character Name (Zeven Lashiec but he prefers to be called Kasih by his various lovers) - Race (Human, or something close to it.) - Class ( A Sith Lord that prefers to fight in close quarters with his twin lightsabers suplemented with Force combat abilities. His main Force Powers are Illusory or Mind Altering abilities) - Background (Zeven was a nobleman, well an heir that was raised to be a noblemen in one of the great houses of Alderaan, (which I assume hasn't been destroyed?) Anyway, Zeven of Lashiec was born with all the privileges a noble has and the burdens that come with such a station. He was never one to shirk from his duties but as he came of age he was suddenly preoccupied with the opposite sex. Being one with plentiful resources and short on time, he devoted most of his spare time to seducing and bedding the many women he met. Travelers (yes aliens too), laborers and even his own chambermaids were not safe from his devious charms. He soon grew bored of his pursuits and would soon branch out,&nbsp;targetting ladies of distinct station, his own ranks so to speak. The nobles began to pressure his family to control Zevens pleasure pursuits but that only served to spur him on. Many ladies of the court could attribute Zeven'ss prowess intimately, which would and indeed angered many a husband. As was custom on Alderaan, duels were held to settle grudges and disputes. These could take on various forms though the most popular are swordfights to the death. Zeven was born with a sword in his hand it seems as many would be defeated or die outright. These duels are of course illegal so the nobles has to keep the duels a secret or downplay any deaths and injuries lest dishonour falls on their houses. At his peak of 45 years, he stil retains his youthful visage and insatiable lust, when he met a young carver named Lenore. For &nbsp;the first time in his life, he was smitten by the young woman but his advances were rebuked constantly. Never one to back down from a challenge, he charmed and seduced her constantly to no avail. He kept at it until one fateful day, she finally admitted her love and they wed. Things were bliss in the months to come as he would soon become a father himself. His family became more and more resentful as their sphere of influence shrinks with each passing year. His flagrant disregard for tradition and family has left them as virtual outcasts to the Alderaanian court. When his daughter was born the final straw broke and the family decided to end his line before the damage became irreparable. A mercenary army invaded his summer home in the mountains under the guise of kidnappings and ransom, but soon their intentions became clear and Zeven had to act. He caught them by surprise, killing them with his graceful swordsmanship but he was soon overcome by sheer numbers and nearly died from the beatings. Lenore tried to interfere and was summarily executed. Her death ignited a powerful anger coursing through his body, his full potential as a Force wielder soon became clear. The fighting took down most of the summer house and with it the entire mercenary force. He took their ship and left with his infant daughter. He landed on a small colony and left her there with modest family of ranchers. He paid them the last of his possessions and vowed to come back for her when the entirety of his kin noblemen were obliterated and the planet would be his for the taking. He then sought out Darth Vicril to complete his training, and become what he should have been, Sith. It should be noted that Zeven was the younger of two siblings, and his older brother Callum was sent to the Jedi as he was found to be Force Sensitive. Zeven was thought to be normal but this turned out to be a subtle manipulation on the part of Darth Vicril, as he could sense the potential of young Zeven. He was employed by the family under the guise of swordmaster, but he was instructing the young boy with Force manipulation and combat using weapons including training sabers. The lessons ended when the family head, Zeven's father, thought that he was trying to indoctrinate Zeven on some cult or turn him against the family. Zeven's training was never completed but his prowess in speechcraft, wordplay and negotiations as well as seduction are honed skills where even trained Force Users could not sense his subtle use of the Force. As for his greatest achievement, Zeven was able to cajole and charm many females with his wit and wiles but his greatest conquest was the seduction of a Jedi Knight by the name of Kira Const when he was sent to(insert planet here) 'soften' the planet's defenses against the assault of the Empire. He not onl managed to convince her to lay down her weapons and flee, but also disarm most of the militia under pretense of retaliation would bring unnecessary death. And yes, they did bang. A lot. ) - Give me a picture of your guy/girl ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> )
Sith, always Sith. The dark side is stronger (it may also have cookies). Player name that's Elhazzared. Skype name is elhazzared1 Character name will be Ryla. Race is near human. The specific for near human will be: No extra skill. +2 Dex, -2 Int. Blueish skin and Purple eyes. Class is Jedi (read Sith). Background: For as long as Ryla could remember she had always been under Darth Vicril’s care and nothing was ever said about her origins, where she was born, who her parents were. These were naught but questions of a curious young mind for Ryla knew that in all likelihood she was either sold by impoverished parents, maybe even caught abandoned on the street or maybe just taken by force. Either way it was only curiosity for Ryla had no doubt that whatever her background was she would never be better wherever she was born. Life wasn’t exactly easy, training to be a Sith entailed arduous physical training, training in the force and often enough pain… As to what plans Darth Vicril had for her… It was anyone’s guess. She and the others had trained under his wing, each one in slightly different manner, each one with it’s own purposes. As for Ryla, well her best guess is that she was mostly trained as a blade in the dark, someone who could reliably kill anyone who was set in her path. No such subtlety as diplomacy or politics. Then again, the Sith way tended to be paved by intimidation. Of course Ryla had always been playing the cards she was dealt, she had no wish to stay under Vicril’s care forever. For now however she needed to learn, to become stronger in the force and then. Well, then she could plan on how she’d sweep the empire from under Vicril. But all dreams come to a short and rude awakening. The old fart died on her far too early before he could make an empire and now it was up to her and the other apprentices to make the said empire but perhaps this too was a good chance to learn. Learn from the others how they would make an empire, what tools they’d use to create it and maintain it. Once she had what she wanted, well it would be an easy matter to make it her own. Pic: Image Just ignore the clothes and the gloves. It will be leather pants going all the way down and a leather&nbsp; corset like looking for the top.