Link to LFG Page:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... When This game will be played weekly on Wednesday at 7:00 PM CDT (GMT-5)&nbsp;until the completion of the module. Each session should last 3-4 hours. I will be recording the audio, partly for my own reference, and possibly to post as a podcast. At the end of the module, if everyone has enjoyed, we can discuss as a group continuing the campaign further through another module such as Hoard of the Dragon Queen or Princes of the Apocalypse. About We will be running the 5e Starter Set module Lost Mine of Phandelver. While I do use battle maps for exploration and larger conflicts, I also use theater of the mind for simpler encounters, and I hope to encourage role playing throughout. System We are using D&D 5e rules. Characters: only Class/Race options from the PHB and Sword Coast Legends book. No evil characters - this usually turns into party backstabbing, and I'm just not interested in running that campaign right now. All characters start at level 1. Stat allocation of 15,14,13,12,10,8 as noted in the PHB Backgrounds/Goals: In addition to the typical background chosen from the PHB, if chosen for the game you will need a personal connection for your character to people or events in the Phandelver storyline. For inspiration, see the Personal Goal and Bonds sections on the official starter set character sheets here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... How to Apply First, make sure you agree to meet the following requirements: I will be on time to games. I will stay engaged while we are playing. I will not be rude or disruptive. I will assume that my character has a reason for adventuring with the others, and will act in general cooperation with them. I have a mic with good sound quality and a stable internet connection. I can keep my Doritos and Mountain Dew noises to a minimum I am able to communicate on a timely basis anything that may come up to cause me to miss a session (but, seriously, I'm not going to miss any sessions). I am aware that the game audio may be recorded and turned into a podcast. If you choose to participate, you are agreeing to be recorded, and that the recordings of the game sessions and any content in them may be used in any way associated with the podcast. If this still sounds like you, then please leave a post on the&nbsp; LFG page that answers the following: Why do you want to join this campaign? What's your play style and history with D&D? (It's ok if you are new!) How do you handle (or expect to handle) conflict at the table? What's your favorite type of character to play and why? What character do you want to play for this campaign? Any details (background, race, class, history ideas) are great. If you can, include a link to your character sheet! A little bit about the real you. Your name, age, and any other info you want to provide. If you want to quickly get to the top of my list, here are a couple of tips. For your post title, use "Paladin for Hire" where you replace Paladin with whichever class you actually want to play as (example, "Monk for Hire"). This will help me know that you took the time to read this whole post and understand it. Additionally, in your reply, nice format and generally proper grammar will go a long way, as clear communication is going to be a key to making this run smoothly over the internet with a group of strangers. Finally, I'm looking for enthusiasm - I'm personally super excited to GM this game, and I want to play with other people who are excited to be at the table. Selection Process I will be collecting applications through Saturday the 12th. I will begin contacting applicants who I am interested in up through Sunday the 13th, at which point I will make final decisions. If contacted, I may ask to speak with you on Skype to get a little more sense of who you are, how your mic sounds, etc. Once selected, I will be happy to assist in character creation and any prep you might need. If the group needs it, we can run the first session as a "Session 0" to complete character builds and get everyone familiar with the Roll20 system, although I would prefer to complete this in off time if possible. Final Thoughts Thanks for being interested in this game and taking the time to apply. Depending on how many responses I get, I may not be able to contact every person individually to thank you, so wanted to make sure it was stated here. I'm looking forward to a great game! Link to LFG Page: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...