So I get the value of keeping the forums clean and not having necro forums all over the place, but I would like to make an observation that perhaps there is value in having threads people can respond in afterwards. Case in point this thread, which I never posted an answer to because i figured it out like weeks later outside of roll20. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Since then, i've had a decent number of people private message me for the solution to the problem, which I was very happy to share. Hell i'm estatic that my weak ass coding skills were useful to someone given all these jesus like figures we got around here. However, had responses been postable, the answer might have gotten down, and thus been available to people. I'm sure there were alot of people were looking for info, who don't parcipate on the forums, or who wouldn't message me directly as well. I'm wondering if there might be more value in extending the limit a bit. It might help with the slightly more obscure topics or problems. For those intrested, the answer is the following code. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Essentially a worker can't trigger another worker by changing a value in the same repeating group. I fixed it by merging the whole thing into a single worker.