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Synovia x the party (after the farmhouse)

After Vrinn and Miro search the house Syn, calls the party over. She looks at Vrinn sighs then says" I was wrong about the barn. I thought I could create a distraction, but I should have waited. However, what happened at the house I won't apologize for. Yes, you two where checking out the house it was a great plan and I know your skills Vrinn but I don't know yours Chuffy. That is why I chose to keep a eye on you. I heard the breaking glass and I also heard you say that you were ok, but you remind me of someone who I cared about. He died because I choose not to follow him when I should have. So, I moved to the porch and saw the sprung trap, the ogore kin,  and blood. What I did not see, however, was you Chuffy. Did I miss a message that anyone was entering the house or that Chuffy was invisible? Because I am pretty sure that recon means observing not engaging. I thought that after you said you were ok, they discovered you. So I went in." She looks every member of the party in the eye, then says " I will never again ignore my gut, and I will always have your backs."  She turns and walks into the barn to check on the survivors.
Chuffy looks sheepishly down to the ground. "I'm sorry. I caused a big misunderstanding. Please don't be fighting because of my mistake. I can become invisible, and thought it would help me sneak around. I just wanted to go undetected by the grauls. I broke the glass to try and draw attention away from the Husband, Vrinn. Sometimes I don't think everything I do all the way through." He fidgets and kicks the dirt a bit. "But it's ok right? We're all alive. We can continue with our mission?" He looks up, big eyes gazing imploringly at the group.

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Synovia turns and  smiles "Chuffy, it is your impulsiveness that reminds me of Boboble. You're right  everyone is alive and yes we can finish what we came here for."
Chuffy nods his head. "Miro has that fancy talky magic. I'll try and use it more, so everyone knows what's going on next time. What are we doing now though? Where do we go from here? You've all been adventuring before. What's the next step?" He looks around the group, hoping someone will take charge.
Miro looks around an almost scowl on his face as he looks off into the distance.  "To answer you first Chuffy.  Givin the situation here, I think it wise to escort the others back to the fort."  Miro looks about the farm as if it were a complex math problem.  "Aswell as there are questions I have for the Rannak men.  However I do no think it is enough just to say we will use my magics more.  First we need a plan in regards to how we will approach this situation again.  Magic can be countered, magic can go awry.  Synovia may have jumped the lightening again, but it is more because none of us are acustomed to how it should play out.  And honestly Vrinn, go when I say isn't much to go on."  Miro looks from the horizon to Vrinn.  "You are perpetually a loner and don't give us much reason or example to work with when you go skulking off.  There has to be a trigger, aswell as a time frame if we are to trust that you won't get in over your heads."

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" The plan was fine, it is the sticking to it that was flawed. As far as these men, I think we need to speak with the survivors. There may not be a fort to return them to." .
Gulo waks towards the party, looking at Miro "For once Miro we are in almost total agreement, odd as it is to say. It is my military opinion that the only reason we one today is because we dealt with a martially inferior force, if had been with a group of equal or better standing I have no doubt that all of us would be dead. A group that could force a unit of veteran rangers from their fort comes to mind, this group lacks cohesion as a unit, along with any form of strategy." he looks over to Synovia and Chuffy, his voice hard "Synovia, you must learn to trust in your allies, someone as annoying as Chuffy must be an accomplished goblin to have survived for as long as he has, if he is in danger he will tell you. You must listen to your mind as well as your stomach, only a barbarian goes in without a thought. If you charge in Miro and Vrinn will follow you, and anyone will any sense will have set an ambush, getting not only yourself but also your allies dead as well"
Chuffy glares at Gulo indignantly. "Hey. I'm not annoying. People like me, befriend me. They want to spend time with me. Can you say the same?" He crosses his arms over his little green chest. "You're right though. I am very accomplished." Stepping over next to Vrinn, he ponders his next statement. "Ja, we have many good ideas here. Vrinn and I can be super sneaky. So we can go ahead and look at the enemies, find all their positions. Then we go back to the group and talk about a plan of action to deal with the forces we discovered. This is a good plan, ja?" He looks to Gulo and Synovia, the more warlike members of the group. "And if we get in trouble we need code word. That is the right word, code? We say something we all agree on, something like 'burn horses' or a similar phrase. That is signal for Synovia to come to my rescue. Before then, we try and hide, not let the enemies know we are here? Try and discuss our plans with each other before doing them?" Once again, he looks around the group seeking confirmation.
Miro nods a moment.  "Mostly this is agreeable, howeva I think much of it went without saying.  What we need is a timeframe.  There will be times when you are discovered by the wrong person and will be unable to issue a warning.  In this case we will need a "Its taking too long" time frame.  Something that will allow us to track what is essintially "too long"  In the event you need longer you should always be able to relay as much with my magic.  If you are not in danger then the spell shoudl work.  But in the event you are and it has been dispelled we will need to know when to jump the lightening."  Miro says matter of factly.  "As lothe as I am to say it, Gulo is right.  Had there been a brain between them, I would be dead, and perhaps the only three to be left standing would be Chuffy Vrinn and Gulo.  As they were the only ones with an escape planned."  Miro looks to Synovia.  "I have already intered my brother, I could not do the same for you."  
Gulo nods, looking towards Miro "Danke Miro, it takes a logical mind to agree with a despised enemy." Gulo stands rod strait, straitening his unifrom.

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Having returned from plundering the corpses of the ogre-kin, Vrinn listens to the group as he scratches at his chin, feeling the beginnings of stubble after being on the road for a few weeks now. Before chiming in, he clears his throat to get the attention of the others, his face gaunt still under the effect of the ogre witch's spell "First off, I owe ye an apology Synovia. I shouldn't 'ave called ye a watery tart. I lost me composure. Again, apologies." he says, his haggard eyes looking into hers, sincerity coating his tone. "However..." he continues, addressing the group "...the house is still not cleared. Th' ground floor may be empty fer now, though no one's been upstairs yet aside from Ever, and I can't seem t' find her so tha' she can tell us what's up there." he pauses hoping that the mention of his shadowy companion's name would be sufficient to pull her out of hiding. "Bah. In th' meanwhile, I do have somethin' t' say. We ain't in Sandpoint any more. Calistria's arse, we ain't even in Magnimar anymore. We don't have anyone out here t' rely on but ourselves, so we need t' take things seriously. If there's one thing me Ma taught me, when you're in the wilderness an' away from home, it's life an' death. One mistake, an' you're dead. No second chances." he says as his gaze lingers slightly longer over Synovia than the others. "That bein' said, when it's time fer fightin', we need a leader. Unless anyone's got other ideas, I'm thinkin' I'm th' best one suited for it. Despite what she'd have ye believe, I did pick up a few things from Vinadea, I know what a well oiled unit is supposed t' look like, an' we're a long way from it. "Syn, don't take this th' wrong way, but even though you're only a year younger than me, ye've barely been out o' Sandpoint an' seen th' real world. Sure, ye might o' had t' break up a few barfights at th' Dragon, but that ain't exactly a knife fight in Riddleport, or a fortnight with Farnsworth. Ye need t' calm down and trust in us Syn. We ain't as helpless as ye might think we are. "Miro, ye're the dumbest smart person I know. Aye, ye got the book learnin', and ye have yer spells, and sure, if we ain't fightin' fer our lives ye have a way wit' people. But ye're too used t' fightin' by yerself an' we need someone who can co-ordinate a group, and from what I've seen, ye're reactionary. Aye, ye put th' best spell where it need t' be, an' we need ye thinkin' on yer spells, not th' rest o' us. "Gulo, ye're pro'ly th' most militaristic here, but from what I know of ye, which ain't much t' be honest, ye don't seem t' be leadership material yet. Aye, ye' can bark orders with th' best o' them, but there's more t' leadership than bein' th' scariest in th' room. "An' Chuffy..." Vrinn pauses his speech to look down at the goblin, putting a hand on the top of his kobold-shaped cowl on top of his head "...Grosilge would kill me if anythin' happened to ye." He holds his gaze with each person as he speaks with them, confidence in his voice and conviction in his eyes despite his slightly emaciated appearance. "If anyone has a problem with anythin' I just said, now's yer time t' speak. "But aye, we probably do need t' work out some signals, just in case. We might move out o' range o' Miro's spell, or like today, Chuffy an' I were too close t' the beasts t' properly convey a message. An' like Synovia said, we should talk t' the people we freed before we go on makin' decisions for them. We also need t' finish clearin' out this house in case we didn't kill 'em all already." Vrinn finishes as he taps the tip of his blade on the ceiling above them, reiterating that no one's been to the second floor yet.

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"Vrinratholas, while there is wisdom in your words I do not think that you are suitable leader, I will admit I do not know much about you, but I saw how you handled your mother, and in a leader that is not encouraging. I would vote myself as leader, but I feel you would rankle at being ordered around, as would the rest of the party." Gulo thinks for a moment "I don't think the dictatorship would suit this party in the slightest, however I think fore and foremost we need more cooradiantion between one another, which means a better understanding of our allies."
Miro shakes his head and looks over to Vrinn.  "I yield to Vrinn.  One of everyone here he is the most established.  Two,  as the parties scout he will carry the most vital information nessicary to make the calls when it comes to such coordination.  Three, he is the living embodyment of what happens when it goes so wrong it can only go up, having been the only one here to meet his maker and return,  it grants him a rather first hand view on how much a single mistake can cost us.  As long as you are willing to discuss with us the merits of needing help and when then I am okay with it.  You Gulo could not lead us even if you tried.   First and foremost, the first time one of your actions led to a negative result.... I would roast you."  Miro looks to Gulo the red glow still in his left eye.  
Synovia looks at Vrinn with an intensity rarely seen from her, and seems to be struggling with something. "Thanks for the apology. We do need a leader and I will go along with whatever the group decides. Vrinn I need to speak with you in private please."
Gulo let's out a humorless laugh "quite your barking, far better mages then you have tried and failed to kill me." Gulo sighs "I would point out that I have over a decade of experience leading and being apart of military units, spent most of my life in one of the harshest environments imaginable, but if you would all rather Vrinnrathaloas lead I will not object, I will give my advice when needed."

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Syn turns to glare at Gulo and Miro" ENOUGH! This pissing contest between you two has to stop. You don't have to like each other, but you do have to work together or go home. I swear, I am about to cut both your tongues out This behavior does nothing to help the situation! Gulo, it is not your dictatorial attitude that makes you unfit to lead it is your total lack of respect for anyone but yourself, and Miro, I know you think you have no flaws, but you're pompous ass!" Turning to Vrinn "So, should we continue our mission? We can talk later."
Miro looks back to synovia a dark glint in his eyes.  "You must learn to calm yourself upraise Synovia.  Gulf and i were just agreeing and you are the only one here yelling."  Miro looks to her increduliously.  "I do not even understand your need for aggression."  Miro turns looking at the rest of the party.  "Do either of you intend to  scout?  The element of surprise may be lost but Chuffys magic could be useful to regain your concealment.
(Stupid phone autocorrect)
"I am an amnible scout, not a skilled as Chuffy or Vrinnatholas, but I can preform the task."
Synovia looks from Miro to Gulo and shakes her head. "Unless anyone has any objections, while whoever is scouting, I'll go back to the barn and see if the survivors can tell us anything more about what is going on and how many enemies where here."
Chuffy looks incredulously around the group. "OK, ja, Vrinn is leader. But what's our signal? We keep saying 'Ja, we need signal' but nobody gives ideas. Does it need to be weird? Can we not just say 'Attack' or 'Hold' or do we need to figure out strange ones. Like Attack would be 'Horse Testicles' and Stay would be... Glue? No, that's too convoluted. We should have a nonverbal signal though? For if Vrinn and I are too close to speak quietly again?"
"Attack or help should suffice.  As for non verbal let us assume u will return to us with news before that is required."