How are people using Darkvision in game? Cuz you cant really put "Has light on" effect, otherwise the other tokens would be able to see in the dark. Thoughts?
Ziechael said:
[edit] turns out the 3.5 dark-vision rules are surprisingly simple for a change... my initial set up covers it fine =D
chris b. said:
I do similar set light, BUT, remember if the person ALSO has low-light vision, then you have to set your light radius to 1/2 of normal if you set Multiplier to 2. This allows them to see further with light sources but still their darkvision only goes to the limit it should.
For instance if they are a dhampir with 60' darkvision and low light vision,then set light to 30 and multiplier to 2.
!token-mod --set ?{Vision|Torch, light_radius#40 light_dimradius#20 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|Lamp, light_radius#30 light_dimradius#15 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|Bullseye Lantern, light_radius#120 light_dimradius#60 light_angle#60 light_hassight#yes light_otherplayers#yes|Hooded Lantern, light_radius#60 light_dimradius#30 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|Candle, light_radius#5 light_dimradius#=0 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#yes|No light source, light_radius#5 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|Blinded, light_hassight#no light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|Darkvision, light_radius#60 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|Darkvision (90'), light_radius#90 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|Warlock Devil's Sight, light_radius#120 light_dimradius#=120 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no|No light source(Dusk), light_radius#120 light_dimradius#=-5 light_hassight#yes light_angle#360 light_otherplayers#no }
That's an awesome macro. Thanks so much for sharing!The Aaron said:
I personally use 60/-5 for 60ft darkvision in 5e. If you use API scripts, here's a macro (originally by Ziechael) that handles a bunch of different vision and lighting options for 5e using TokenMod:...
!token-mod --set <field>#<value> <field>#<value> ...The macro uses a Roll Query drop down to specify the field#value pairs:
?{<question>|<choice>,<result>|<choice>,<result>|...}The Roll Query will show the <question> and have a drop down with the list of <choice>s. When you choose one, The corresponding <result> is substituted for wherever the ?{<question>} was (possible several places):
!token-mod --set <result>In the case of the above macro, the <result> is actually a string of <field>#<value> pairs which are passed to the API.