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Distinguishing between uploaded images and Art Asset images in my library`

I have a cluttered art library. Some images take space, and some don't (the ones dragged from the Arts tab). Now that they are mixed in my Art Library, is there some way to tell which are uploaded and which are not? I can save a lot of space because of the accidental duplicates. -Falsoon
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Your Library is just the assets you have uploaded:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If you are talking about telling which ones are in use in a game, there isn't really a way of telling that.

Edited 1458330037
Forum Champion
Within Your Library , assets that you have uploaded will have a "cloud" icon next to the red trash icon; assets that you have starred from search results will not.
Thanks Silvre, that's what I wanted. The Aaron, My Library contains images for everything I have uploaded, plus what I dragged from the Art tab. I didn't want to search through an internet list when I had already used a particular image for a token. Also, I found that sometimes the internet image disappears, and I can't get it again, but it does stay in my library. Thanks you both. -Falsoon
The Aaron
API Scripter
Silvyre said: Within Your Library , assets that you have uploaded will have a "cloud" icon next to the red trash icon; assets that you have starred from search results will not. Huh.. totally didn't know starred icons appeared that way. =D
Good thread. &nbsp;Thanks, guys. &nbsp;Now I know too.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
As the original question has been answered, I'll go ahead and close this up.&nbsp; Happy gaming!