Hey all first off I'd like to say is that I have a busy schedule, work, wife, school, but I love PnP RPG's and would love to join one. Perferably 4E, 3.5, Pathfiner (in that order) my work schedule starts at 2pm (MST) and would like to be able to end at least an hour before that to get ready for work and drive and such. which means it will have to be a earlier day-time game. Which their aren't many of.

I would want a weekly game, I can fill most role. I have played 3.5, 4E, Next, Pathfinder and some spin off games. (ex Serenity) I have also DMed 3.5, and 4E, even DMed two games on here. My last game went well until my computer died and now I just don't have the time to DM it.

If I can't find a game pretty soon I am open to making one. Perirably 4E, but I can do 3.5 or Pathfinder as well. It would start at 8-9(am) and end at 12-1 (MST) the idea I have is a Gladiator/Arena style game. The reason is because it would be easy to progress and work on the game, I wouldn't have to put a lot of effort and work into the story and certain aspects of the game. (not that their wouldn't be that stuff). tue-sat are days that would work for me, we can do weekly and maybe bi-weekly if time works on but maybe not.

Let me know if you have a game I can join. If I get a lot of response soon to make a game I'll just go ahead with that idea. adn further discuss that.