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What about character sheets?

I would like to see more love given to character sheets. Sure characters have their journal and bio notes, but I'd like that both PCs and NPCs had a section that could be used for keeping their character sheets - and accessible to both the player and the GM. I know it'd be almost impossible to have available templates character sheets for every game system available, but I've seen a Brazilian site for tabletop RP that allowed PDFs of character sheets to be uploaded and edited. I have no idea how this was pulled off - or if it worked with editable character sheets. But maybe here we could get the possibility to upload a blank sheet, and use the "writing\freeform" tool of Roll20 to fill it out (writing for numbers\letters\words, and freeform drawing for "dots") EDIT: wow, research fail. The moment I finish writing this, I find another thread about it. Sorry for the repeated topic.
Plenty of discussion about this in another thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Please do a search before making new suggestion posts.