Hello! As the title states, I'm looking for players to join a Rappan Athuk game I'm starting up. The game will take place weekly on Sundays at 5pm EST. New players are not welcome. This is not the place for you to learn Pathfinder. Everyone was new and had to learn at some point, this is not the place for that. I want to keep the game moving at a reasonable pace and having to teach new people how to play is going to significantly slow down the game. It's also going to sour your opinion on Pathfinder because you're not going to be able to learn the system properly. There are plenty of other games that you can join that will have people who are absolutely willing to hold your hand and bring you into the hobby correctly. This will not be one of those games. I've run this campaign before. For the most part I know what is coming. Rappan Athuk is a cruel and unforgiving mistress. You will die. You will die a lot. You will get frustrated, probably even pissed off, at times with how unfair it is. You will even feel like I'm specifically going out of my way to kill you guys. You'll be wrong. I won't be making any major alterations to the encounters so it will purely be you versus the dungeon. If I suspect that someone is reading the book, we're going to have problems. I expect everyone to have their actions ready when their turn comes. Do not wait until your turn comes up to begin thinking about what you're doing. I'm going to be controlling multiple monsters while you're only controlling one character. If I can have my actions ready when the time comes, I expect you to have yours ready as well. If you are someone who really loves deep role-play and is totally at home talking to NPCs for 4+ hours, this is not the game for you. There will be little to no role-playing here. The majority of your time will be spent in Rappan Athuk fighting for your lives. You might be able to circumvent some encounters via social skills but don't expect it to be the norm. You should be able to commit to at least four hours every night. Ultimately our end time will be at the discretion of the group. We might end slightly early. We may play for an extra hour or more. It's totally up to the group but four hours is going to be what I want to shoot for each session. We will be using Skype as our primary method of communication. You must have a functioning mic or headset that will not give everyone feedback, pick up a bunch of background noise, or cause a bunch of reverb/echoing. Everyone will be expected to set up and use the Push-To-Talk feature that Skype provides. It is very easy to set up and I can walk you through it if needed. I expect to run this every week. If you cannot be at a session, you need to let me know as soon as possible. You don't need to go into detail, or even give me a reason, but you need to let me know. I understand that emergencies come up and you can't necessarily jump on Skype right away to let me know. Even with that said, I still expect to hear from you sooner rather than later. Even if you only pop on for long enough to say "I can't make the session today/tomorrow/this week" and then log off, that's fine. However, the longer I go without hearing anything from you the more likely I am to remove you from the group and find someone to replace you. It's nothing personal. You will be expected to maintain multiple character sheets. As death is a very common occurrence in Rappan Athuk, you will need a new character to come in when your current character kicks the bucket. I don't want to pause the game, or end it early, just because you don't have something ready to play. Character creation details can be found below. Please do not read them and think that I will bend on them just because you asked nicely. If something in there does not suit you then this game is not for you. I reserve the right to make alterations to the following rules as I see fit. Some of them I will ask for votes on, some of them I will not. • 30 point buy will be the starting ability score generation method. • All Paizo material will be allowed with the exception of Gunslingers, Witches, and Heavens Oracles. Summoners, and the Synthesist archetype, are tentatively allowed but may make the ban list at a future date. • Third party content is subject to review. You will need to provide me with a PDF or with a link to any third party stuff I'm not familiar with before I will let you use it. • Use your head when picking your race. I don't mind aasimars or tieflings but things like driders, centaurs, and drow noble will not be allowed. • All PCs must be willing to work with the other PCs to explore the halls of Rappan Athuk. No evil or chaotic neutral characters will be allowed. The Dungeon of Graves is dangerous enough for adventurers without one of their own working against them. • We will be using a set of house rules . You will get the advantages of them as will the monsters. If the group decides that they would rather not play with these rules then we won't. • I reserve the right to set limits on the number of pets, summons, or cohorts you have. I don't want it to get out of hand and slow the game down. • Gestalt is a potential option in the future depending on how the game goes. Did I mention that you're going to die a lot? When I ran this last time we stopped at level 7. By that time every player had lost 10+ PCs. You need to be ready for this. If you are the type to get pissed off when your character dies, either figure out a way to suppress that or don't join. If this post comes off as somewhat intense, it's meant to be. I'm trying to weed out the people that don't fit the group before they even apply. I don't want to have to go through the process of juggling players because they end up not being a good fit for the group. I realize that it's a pipe dream to think that I'm going to get 2-3 players in the group and they're going to stick with it until the bitter end. That doesn't mean that I want to replace players every week. If you're still interested after all of that, you can reply here or PM me. When you do so, I'd prefer that you not send me character builds or ideas. I really don't care about that stuff at this point in time. I'd much rather you tell me about yourself so I can get a good idea of who you are and if you'll be a good fit for the group. I don't need a whole dating profile or a 3 page resume, complete with a cover letter and five references, but I want to be able to get a sense of who you are so that I can make a somewhat informed decision about who I'm potentially inviting to the group.