Hello everyone, my name is Galen and I'm hoping to find a new Pathfinder group to join. I have been playing Pathfinder a lot since June or July so I've got a good amount of experience with it. I'm 29 years old and I am in the EST time zone. Pretty much every day is free for me except Sundays currently.
I'm not looking for a roleplay heavy campaign as that's just not my thing. I can do it a little bit but it's not something I want to focus on. So far I've played a Ranger, a Fighter, a Rogue, a Barbarian, and a Paladin. I haven't really got into the spellcasting side of things because it all seems too complicated but if it was really needed for a group I could give it a shot. I am really not interested in playing with a group, or even one person, who is going to cause a lot of conflict within the group. A little bit of resistance is okay but doing things like insulting party members(in-character or out), challenging them to fights, and stealing from them are things I don't find entertaining or fun.
Any kind of setting is fine but I have played through quite a bit of the Rise of the Runelords up until Stone's Crossing but I just recently quit that group. I've also played a bit of Legacy of Fire but not very much as the group is heavily roleplay oriented and we've seen one combat situation in our last three sessions or so. I am also DM'ing a Second Darkness campaign so I know that AP inside and out through the third book, soon the be the fourth book.
I think that about does it for me so if anyone is interested let me know and we can work something out.