Hello, I saw that you mention that the Compendium has our data available in json, but I didn't find more about it. I would like to enable the following scenarios: 1) Use the Compendium for an external app as well. So that we put in 7thSea data in the compendium, users who want a full table-top experience use roll20, but users who just want a quick aid in their phone can use a dedicated app for that. This app could get the compendium data. 2) (This is probably something you don't currently provide, but it would be a great idea). Right now most of the logic has to be written as scripts just for roll20. It's very hard to reuse those scripts in another application, as they mix presentation and business logic, and as we cannot use our own libraries. I would think of another approach, using an external bot (for an example see that: <a href="https://channel9.msdn.com/events/Build/2016/B821 ) How" rel="nofollow">https://channel9.msdn.com/events/Build/2016/B821 ) How</a> that works? The chat is sent to your infrastructure (as now), then you can integrate with one or multiple external services which can provide additional logic (can recognise for example some commands). This external service could have the same logic (rolling dice, handling powers etc) regardless of whether it's integrated to Skype, Slack, roll20 or a custom application. What would be specific for your case would be the presentation logic (we would have just to present the appropriate html for a given json response). If you even allow us use some kind of templating framework (of your choice) it could be trivial. This would both make you more open, it would make us chose or reuse our own language for logic, but would also help you benefit from developments in other bots (translation, AI, 'fuzzy' commands). Even the standard example in MS bot framework (ordering pizzas from Domino) would be easy to integrate, and some users might actually want to integrate it in their roll20 the possibility to order pizzas ;).