Thanks for stopping in. We're looking for a DM for, hopefully, a long-term campaign. We're newer to D&D but we have a number of sessions under our belt as well as watched most/all of the critical role series. We've all been friends for at least 10 years and we're looking for a DM that would be a good fit for us. As I mentioned there are 4 of us. We'd prefer to play weekly, but we could live with bi-weekly. We've played through most of the Lost Mines of Phandelver and I am currently DMing Out of the Abyss for our group, so those two campaigns are off the table. We're looking to play on a weekday, preferably Weds nights around 7-11 CST but we have some flexibility on that. If you're interested shoot me a message and we'll set up a Skype interview where we can both make sure that we think it's good fit. Thanks again!