I've been a fan of Shadowrun for a long time. One of the things that I like most about it is, whenever they release a new edition of the game, they advance the timeline another 10-ish years, and you can see the history of the game world evolve. Also, while there are lots of little fiddly bits (and a huge number of stats) it really all boils down to throwing cups full of D6's.
My buddy, for example, has a Mage Husky/Wolf Shapeshifter (who is by definition a dog/wolf that can transform into a human - not the other way around). The player got the sick idea of taking a spell called "Deathtouch", which is rather painless to cast, since it involves having to physically touch your opponent. Except, in his natural dog form, he can trot along, looking like a stray, and go up to his target, wagging his tail and being all friendly. The target pets him, and ZAP. Toasty.
Or he can just chuck ball lightning. S'all good.