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Share Your Favorite Rollable Tables!


Edited 1460162245
From custom dice to loot tables or even fashion savvy trolls, Rollable Tables are pretty rad! What’s the coolest thing you’ve done using the Rollable Tables feature?
I have used rollable tables to set up different tokens for shapeshifting creatures.  I also use tables to make Random Encounter tables, that I access with macro in my macro bar.

Edited 1460163589
Forum Champion
There are some awesome API Scripts out there that really make Rollable Tables shine. I'm looking forward to using some of them in an upcoming game: [Script] TableExport -- A script for exporting (and IMPORTING!) Rollable Tables between accounts. [Script] RecursiveTables -- Expands Inline Rolls in Rollable Table Results [Script] Randomizer

Edited 1460170893
Forum Champion
The one that we've used most in my games, the content is specific to my group's Homebrew World and AD&D game, so I won't paste the actual code here, but just explain the idea. It's 2 rollable tables, we output the text results of both into the Chat Room with a single macro button, and it generates a True or False, Vision or Dream sequence, which contains creative writing submitted by all the Players in the group. One character has VISIONS, this is specific to our game, the character just has flashbacks and foresight, in the game. 2 rollable tables determine what the vision is, and he "rolls" one new vision each week, when we play, and it usually changes the game story quite a bit, and sometimes effectively makes a new roleplaying scenario or encounter pops up instantly. In our game the first table is the TRUTH TABLE and has 20 results (such as True, False, Unavoidably True, Might Come True, Can Never Come True, etc).  The second table is the VISION (dreams, written in creative writing, about 1 sentence each) which all the Players contributed 10 dreams each, making 60 dreams. 20x60 = there are 1200 possible resulting visions for the character! We never know what might happen. The same idea could be done for Wild Magic, or Fortune Telling, or Mixing Potions, or Treasure Finds, anything with a random text result. Example TABLE 1 x TABLE 2 Huge Pile Of Gold Pieces Only 1 or 2 Gems Some Worthless  Weapons Couple of neat tips from how we used RT's, 1. you can have 2 rollable tables and if the results are combined in some way (such as True/False table, and Vision table... Or the example above with Quantities, and Items). That way you have a multiplication effect on the possible results, which can bring a lot of unexpected randomness. 2. Second tip: Ask all your Players to submit 5 or 10 "results" each for a rollable table, that way it is a randomized selection of participation/input from everyone in the group, each time it is rolled. People get excited to see if one of their suggestions is the actual roll for that day.   This kind of gameplay isn't written into the rules of D&D or most games, but, you can actually do this in almost any RPG. It's up to the Game Master to decide to ask your Players to contribute writings, which the GM can place into a Rollable Table and run it back at the Players for part of the game. For example you could ask your Players "Everyone submit a list of 5 wild magic bursts that you want to see happen in the game" .  Or you could have your players submit monsters or animal types for Table 2, and GM could make Table 1 say things like "Giant" or "Miniature", so you roll things like Giant Chicken (where one of the Players chose to put "Chicken" on the list).
The Aaron
API Scripter
I've gotten a lot of mileage out of a tip someone on the forums game me (William? Old School Chris? Al E?).  They're a great way to set up random encounter maps.  I've created several Rollable Table Tokens that have 25x25 tile maps, then I drop one on the map layer set to size and when I want to choose a different area for the encounter, I just drop down to the map, right click, and choose the map I want!
^ I just did a similar thing with images to represent all the different planes of existence. The party has just acquired an Amulet of the Planes and there is a good chance they will end up in some random plane. I used images that have the feeling of each plane all sized the same so I only have to have one up on a map page. It's just a single click to switch planes. 
The Aaron said: I've gotten a lot of mileage out of a tip someone on the forums game me (William? Old School Chris? Al E?).  They're a great way to set up random encounter maps.  I've created several Rollable Table Tokens that have 25x25 tile maps, then I drop one on the map layer set to size and when I want to choose a different area for the encounter, I just drop down to the map, right click, and choose the map I want! That's a great idea.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Takes a bit of setup, but it's possible to use rollable tables to turn a pair of reflecting eyes into an animal, once the adventurers get close enough to see them properly. Why do animal eyes glow in the dark anyways? <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Thanks for the awesome feedback everyone! We've shared your insight on the blog:&nbsp;<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1461316811
As&nbsp; Silvyre wrote, randomizer and table-exporter make rollable tables great. I use rollable tables for several things. 1. Random Gender/Metatype tokens for shadowrun. In the shadowrun world the main population exists of human, orcs, elfs, dwarfs, trolls and each of those can be male/female. When&nbsp;my default tokens were always male/human or something generic I really felt it was way more difficult to make the world alive. I wanted my tokens to support my narrative. I use them rarely and rely on combat maps almost not at all anymore but I do use them sometimes when the combat tracker is active and sometimes just to place them out of scale on a map to give my players a feeling about the number of present persons. Hearing "there are 12 guards" feels very dfiferent from seeing a huge amount of tokens on the map. (Click gif to play) 2. Make the world ALIVE. Fill it with random stuff. Together with menu-macros, rolltemplates, the randomizer script and the table-export script I have imported thousands of entries into rollable tables. I have imported the complete item-specific tables of shadowrun in my campaign. I have imported a huge dataset of background information. Now I have a menu to generate random stuff "on click" if I need random names, which are not just "random" but also mentioned in source books, rule books, etc. Filling the world with stuff you make up on your own is one thing, filling the world with existing canon stuff is a complete different level. Doing this manually is tedious, using a random generator is tedious until you included everything, but the simple notepad++ editor allows you to generate a table-export with a few clicks because it does allow you to replace the beginning of a line and the end of each line - which is exactly the command structure of the table export script. This is a little bit work in progress as I only defined the "NPC" table yet as a set of other rollable tables. However, in the future I will define further tables to generate mook equipments on the fly or selecting enemy weapons from a random range, such that not every single goon in the world uses a "Ares Predator V" because I just have the values memorized. All the data is imported in my rollable tables, I now just need to stitch super-tables together grouping them in a clever way. (click gif to play - many many tables with thousands of entries) (Click to play - generate random sets of information and navigate through them with a menu)
Wow&nbsp; Wandler - what an awesome post! Thanks for sharing :)

Edited 1461455623
GM Matt
Sheet Author
This system may be a little obscure for most readers of this thread, but I thought I'd share it anyway, because - as a non-coder - I'm a pleased with what I was able to create with a little effort. The James Bond RPG by Victory Games, which was published back in the 80s, features a Quality Rating system. The system requires a player to roll a d100 against a target number&nbsp;called a success chance. If you roll at or below the success chance, you succeed. However, you still need to&nbsp;consult a table to determine your quality rating. A 4 quality rating is a basic success, but 3, 2, and 1 quality ratings represent more successful outcomes. For example, when firing a weapon in combat, a QR 1 will usually do a lot more damage than a QR 4. A QR 3 is a roll that falls roughly in the range of the 25-50th lower percentile of the success chance. A 2 is roughly 10-25%, and a 1 is 10% or less. The table looks like this: Because of the unique quality rating system, a simple /roll d100 doesn't give the player all of the information that is needed to satisfy the core mechanic. The player would still need to consult a table to get a quality result. Using a series of tables, however, I can simulate d100 rolls for various success chances, saving time by making it unnecessary to physically cross-reference the roll with the table. Essentially, I just created a series of Roll20 tables that are designed to output the results from each row of the Quality Results table. Each success chance range in the Quality Results table has its own Roll20 table. Thus: Not the prettiest output I've seen on Roll20 but it gets the job done.
You look like a coder to me - this looks epic. The ability to&nbsp;cross-reference is genius, nice work.
API Scripter
All this hurts my poor little brain lol
The Aaron
API Scripter
Lord G. said: All this hurts my poor little brain lol Which parts? &nbsp;Did you read the Wiki on&nbsp; Rollable Tables ? &nbsp;Maybe something there needs to be better explained?