Hi, this may have been answered already somewhere but I've checked about 30 forum threads on this issue and none seem to have this exact problem. I'm trying to create a nested query, and I have queries inside the nested macros as well. I can kind of get it to work, but it won't post the results, or if it does, it messes them all up and combines both macros partially for some reason. :/ I'm at a loss on how to fix this. The macro is as follows: &{template:default} {{name=**Viscosity** (Alteration) (Water)}} {{**Duration**=[[2d6+@{level}]]}} {{**Area of Effect**=Touch or Self}} {{**Effect**=?{Which Macro?|Armor Bonus,#Harden|Attack Bonus,#Fluid }}} Now, I saw on the wiki that there should be a space after #Harden, but I tried that and it messes the macro up. For some reason, there's also a third option that reads "0" with the way it is currently set up, but if I remove the space after #Fluid, it goes away, but break the macro even further. Currently, the choice macros each have two queries within them, and I finally got those working right, but now I can't seem to get the finished product to work as even though the options come up, nothing posts to the Effect section. These are the nested macros: Fluid = Attack has increased by {{?{How many points of THAC0?|0}}}! Syliaris has lost {{?{How many points of AC?|0}}} of AC! Harden = Armor is increased by {{?{How many points of AC?|0}}}! Syliaris has lost {{?{How many points of THAC0?|0}}} THAC0. I tried boxing the functions, but that makes it worse. Could someone please point out where I'm going astray here?