Hey All.. I am looking for one more person to join my ongoing Dragonlance campaign in 5e D&D . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ War has struck, Solace isn't what it used to be.. The party has left the village to head to Esker in search of rumours of a lost god.. Are you ready to join the fight? Or are you going to become another slave to the impending darkness? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Looking for one player to round off the group. We had two drop outs and a new member join this week. We play weekly and have a good group of players. Details I need you to post here if you are interested are: Name: Age: Experience at gaming/What systems: Possible Character concepts: Please keep in mind that Sorcerors, monks, clerics, paladins and monks are not either in this world or in this current timeline. Games are WEEKLY from 7:30PM EST (GMT+10) till MIDNIGHT on Sunday nights , the next session is episode 4 (next week). I have a facebook group just started here with photos of NPC and general group chat during the week: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/780757648727445/" rel="nofollow">https://www.facebook.com/groups/780757648727445/</a> The group current consists of the following classes/races to give an idea at the party thus far: 1. Qualinesti Elf Bard 2 . Gnome Wizard 3 . Kagonesti Elf Ranger 4. Human Fighter 5. Human Rogue 6. Human Fighter 7. Human Monk 8. >>>>THIS COULD BE YOU<<<< If you are interested please apply below. Link to the page to apply is: <a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/43036/dragonlan" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/43036/dragonlan</a>... Thank you.. Andz/DM