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GuloxMiro, 30th of Kuthona, night before battle.

Gulo watches Miro and Synovia talking, his eyes following them as they go back to the fire. He doesn't eat, he needs an empty stomach for tonight. When things begin to settle down he goes over to Miro, speaking as flatly as always "Miro, I am in need of a priest."
Miro looks up from his smile as he watches his sisters spirits lift.  In all his time with his companions, it seemed his companions questioned themselves far to often.  Miro was happy he could help them with that.  Then Gulo speaks and all happiness fades for a moment.  He looks over to Gulo his face serine and without emotion.  "Yes Gulo how may I help you?"  
Gulo speaks rather matter a factually "There is a battle tomorrow Miro and as such I must make tribute to the Lord of the Sixth for his blessing, you will not be needed to perform any rituals that will compromise your relationship with your own god you are simply needed as a whiteness, ideally you would be a war priest of Moloch but I have learned that my master cares little for what priest is overseeing so long as I fulfill my promises to him. I would also need you if I we're to pass out from blood loss, my master does not accept small tributes. I would understand if you said no."
Miro looks to the fire and back to Gulo a few times.  "First dinner, then yes Gulo I will observe your rites... but they can not take too terribly long... I must gather my sleep that I can prepare for my role tommorow."  With that Miro moves over to the fire where he ladels out a small helping of his rabbit stew.
"Do not worry Miro, Moloch does not care for long ceremonies, it cuts into battle, meet in the woods after your done with dinner, I should have made all the preparations." with a bow Gulo walks into the woods, leaving a trail for Miro to follow. When he finds an adequate clearing he begins to dig into the wet earth, creating an elaborate circle of goettic symbols, letter and runes, with enough room in the center for himself to stand. He takes his place, waiting for Miro to come.
Miro follows the trail cursing the entire way.  The woods were not his scene.  He was a child of the desert.  Scorching sands and Scorching Winds, with nights that could chill the bones right out of your flesh.  Here it was always wet, always cold, and always.... always crowded.  He hated it.  As such as he made it to the clearing he was in a surly mood.  Once there there a few breathes to steady his mood he took survey of the scene.  Gulo's regemented preperation of the ceremony seemed to sufice, alittle crude even for Moloch... but it would work.  "Alright Gulo, I am here."

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He opens his eyes for a moment, nodding and returning them shut. taking out his dagger he cuts deeply into both hands, letting the blood drain into the symbols, mixing with the mud and water. After a pint from each arm has been given he speaks in goblin, growling with each word “Here me now Moloch, Ashen Bull and Lord of the Sixth, it is I, your soldier bound to flame and steel, I pray to you for victory in the coming battle, grant us victory over the savages that dare to oppose me! I offer them as sacrifice to you, their blood will paint the fortress walls red and their souls will fuel your unholy forge!” He is silent for a moment, then carefully walks out of the circle back to camp, blood still flowing "I aplogize Miro, it seemed I will not need your healing magic, I still thank you for being a whitness never the less."