Game Page I'd like to find some like-minded people to run a Game of Thrones (using Green Ronin's RPG) with.  This will be text-based, possibly with some Play-by-Post in the campaign forum.  I'm looking for mature players, people who are into telling a story, roleplaying and character development that goes beyond the numbers. The numbers will still be there, blades will clash (and dice will roll) both in the tourney grounds and in gloomy forests, and a host will march at a lordling's command, but the important things are the atmosphere, drama and joy of making a story come to life. As I'm somewhat of a Forever GM and already currently running a tabletop SIFRP, I'd like to be a player for a change though I love storytelling and running games enough that I don't mind kicking it off and running the first few stories (I have my own modified versions of the official adventures I'd like to run).  In other words, I'd love it if someone else would step up and want to GM, but I'm happy to do it until someone else wants to.  If you're interested, what I'm looking for is: 18+ People who want roleplaying over rollplaying Feel free to pop into the game page (link above in the top of the post).