Laser Pistol (TL11) Imperial Navy issue sidearm common among Marine support personnel. Kayleb received it as parting gift from the Marine Corps, along with permits and registration. This weapon has been fully pimped out with a high band IR laser sight and scope, Holographic sights, Bio-Mass Sighting Aid, and an Intelligent Weapon-0
running expert Gun Combat (laser pistol) 1. All of this is linked to Kayleb's LL/IR HUD and provides a bonus of +4 and short, close and Medium ranges, and a +3 in other bands (unless the to hit penalty is more than -2). Ignores 2 points of cover and receives an additional +1 when aiming. While the laser scopes and sights are set to IR and are invisible to most, Kayleb will sometimes set them to project a visible light specifically to create an intimidating light show. Kayleb usually carries this weapon in a shoulder holster under his left arm. The weapon's power pack and HUD is connected to the weapon through a palm socket.
Gauss Pistols. Kayleb carries a pair of gauss pistols in a holster strapped to each thigh. One is an imperial Navy issue side arm that he picked up on D'Ganzio. The other he issued to himself from the ships locker. The handle of each pistol is at the height of a hand hanging by his side. These are Kayleb's go to when he needs to quick draw. The plan is to empty these weapons in the general direction of the enemy as he dashes for cover to draw a more effective weapon. Each is equipped with a laser sight (+1 and short and close range) and is connected to Kayleb's HUD giving the weapons a +3 at short and close range, and +2 at all other ranges.
Sawn Off Double Barreled Shotguns. In stark contrast to Charoux’s sleek, high-tech gagetry, Kayleb has used a hacksaw to shorten these low tech double barreled sporting shotguns to a size that is just over what most law codes would consider a "concealable weapon". Each looks a little like a four barreled weapon. The lower two "barrels" are simple cylinders however. One is a laser sight (+1 at short and close) and the other is a recoil compensator. Each is held in place with screws, gaf tape and liquid nails. He usually carries them on his back so they can be drawn over each shoulder (Alice in Res. Evil) but sometimes he has them in holsters on either thigh. While he carries HEAP for each of them, they are usually loaded with standard buck shot. These are mainly for "close work" or for when he is attempting to intimidate. They are also his go to when on a higher law level world that outlaws most high tech military style weapons. These weapons are also a connection to Kayleb's pre-stellar days where similar weapons were used to protect against poisonous desert predators.
RAM launcher. Kayleb's primary weapon when going into the shit. He usually has it loaded with smoke and fragmentation grenades. He also carries a load of HEAP grenades and an assortment of other grenade types depending on the mission. The weapon is fitted with Holographic sights, Laser scope (+1 when aiming), Recoil compensator, bipod, and Intelligent Weapon-0 r
unning expert Heavy Weapon (launcher)1. All of this is connected to Kayleb's Hud by a fiber-optic cable.
Hand Flamer Kayleb recently picked this up on Flamarian. Sometimes you just need to set stuff on fire. About the size of an extremely heavy pistol, Kayleb carries this in a shoulder holster under his right arm. No sites or HUD connections have been added to this weapon. Runt occasionally uses the pilot light of the hand flamer to light a cigarette. A box of cigarettes is usually strapped to his shoulder armour pauldron with a strip of black gaf tape.
Cutlass. Imperial Marine issue. Crystaliron blade is great for opening crates of contraban or vacc suits. Sometimes hangs by his side. Technically a "ceremonial weapon" and usually allowable in most situations where law restricts more effective weapons.
Blade. "Pft .. that's not a knife.
This is a knife!"
Svaerdblitzen Heavy Pistol. Picked up a pair of these from the ship's locker. Kayleb usually has a pair of these stupidly heavy pistols on belt holsters behind his back (Nick Cage Face Off) No scopes or compensators are attached to these weapons. Kayleb has a sick fantasy about performing a coup de grace on some poor Swordworld bastard with them. This is mainly because of the .50 cal rounds that had to be surgically removed from his body after the Swordworld strike on Lanth during the 5th.
Boomerang. Sometimes carried in a "holster" on his back between his two shotties. "Don't listen when people say
'Contrary to popular misconception, hunting boomerangs are not designed to return to the thrower.' - that's pure krok shite. You've just gotta chuck it right!". Kayleb hopes to make a boomerang grenade some day ... when he could be bothered. If he ever does get around to putting something like that together he would definitely make it more in line with the "popular misconception" and not design it to return to the thrower.
Wrist-mounted Warhead Launcher (not sure if these survived the entrance into the Bowman system) Kayleb was planning to strap one onto each wrist gauntlet of the new suit of battledress. Dual wield wrist rockets! Ultimate bad ass! Would never need to fire them. Just looks cool.