Hey there so I uploaded a basic deck of cards, Werewolf, Villager, and Seer, and would like to try giving this a test whirl. If it goes off good, I might start trying to see what other card / board games we might be able to play on roll20. So how it'll roll is we'll have 1 werewolf, and the rest are villagers. I'll declare the night and ask for the seer to private message me asking if X is the werewolf, and I'll reply yes or no. Then it's the werewolf's turn to private message me who they're planning on killing tonight. If the response is good, might add more cards into the mix. Really hoping to get 5+ players so if you have friends! If I get enough people I'll add a second werewolf and make a skype group for the wolves to vote. Will be also using skype for voice chat. Message me with your skype info and I'll add you. If this goes well you'll all be getting first dibs on my next attempt at a board or card game.