Greetings LFG buddies! In order to make your lives a little easier today, our mods will be moving all Roll20CON LFG posts to the new  Roll20CON Forum . This forum will be available at the beginning of Roll20CON in a few hours from now (7pm Pacific on June 2nd). You are welcome to advertise your games there, however in order to ensure you are included, all LFG forum posts for Roll20CON MUST include a link to your public  Looking for Group listing .  This means that you must create, tag, schedule, & list a game BEFORE you post to the LFG forums for Roll20CON --that way you can include the link to your public listing in your forum post. Details on registration are available now on our official splash page. As a Roll20 user, you are already registered for Roll20CON, but to ensure your game is include in the event, you must tag any of the games you want to play by checking the Event box on your Game Details page and scheduling them for June 3rd, 2016.  In-game  Plus-level  subscription features are available now in all games tagged for Roll20CON for free! Games are ad free & will have access to Dynamic Lighting; additional account storage & Character Vault will not be available. Remember, Roll20CON ends at 11:59pm Pacific, Friday evening. You can also search and join Roll20CON games using our  LFG Tool and the new "Event: Roll20CON 2016" check box. This option filters games only tagged for play during the event. We have also added a new tag to the Meta data for your game listings, so it will be easy to spot Roll20CON games on the LFG Tool!  Help us break Roll20’s concurrent user record, by telling your regular group to play or start something new with our community, the choice is yours!