I have asked, with affirmatives in return, a couple of times now if Roll 20 could be played in turns, without the entire group being online. Both fortunately, and unfortunately, I have friends all over the planet, we all have some time-consuming lives, and we cannot all get online at the same time. I have been told it is possible for one person at a time to log in, perform the move and/or actions for their turn, and then to go back to their lives; if true, I like this functionality, but I have some questions about it... 1) How can I make turns happen and be able to see what my players have done, then react/respond appropriately? 2) As the GM, am I allowed to log on out of turn sequence and check to see how things are going? 3) Hmmm... I think that's it, for the time being, and I may have more questions based on your response. Thank you, I really do appreciate Roll 20, and I'm looking forward to finally making something happen. I was supposed to run a game for Aethercon IV last November, but I was only able to round up one player for the time slot I had, so I purchased a prime account and have, since, been trying to learn things about Roll 20, and I'm certain I've not seen everything I should, but I intend to figure it out.