Hello Roll20! For a few years now I've been developing a tabletop of my very own with a few of my friends. It's coming along pretty well if I do say so myself, and we're finally reaching a respectable point in the development. However I have a few problems that I was hoping I could ask for some help with. First of all is the research. I'll be honest (and this is gonna sound pretty weird but just roll with it) I've never played another legitimate tabletop before. I've heard stories and gameplay examples about other games, but I've never actually delved into one myself. Furthermore my knowledge of the various multitudes of games out there is extremely limited, so most of my questions revolve around what's been done before. Don't get me wrong, I fully intend to play some myself, but at this point I'm a college student with very little free time and very few friends who are good at RPGs, so it's been difficult. So my first question to all of you game Gurus out there is: Have you ever heard of a tabletop that mimics a video game? I don't just mean takes the story of a video game and puts it into a tabletop, I mean it's mechanics run like a video game. We have calculations instead of die rolls in many cases, and a stat system reflective of something you might find in Final Fantasy or Pokemon or the like. I've also developed web apps (and will probably adapt them for mobile devices eventually) to help facilitate said calculations. I'm wondering if anybody here can tell me if anything like this has been done before so I can research it myself. And I guess for now my last question is just about where to start my research in general. I need to learn as much as I can about other RPGs and what's been done before so I can make mine as good and unique as I can. Furthermore I need to research licencing and publishing and whatnot, and I have no idea where to start with that. I heard about the OGL but I'm not sure that will fit with they way I wanna market this game. If anyone could point out some other starting points I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, If I can think of any more questions to ask I'll post them here. Assuming I get responses that is. I'm also open to questions if you have them, and I'll appreciate any help you all can give me. Also feel free to move this thread if it's in the wrong place, I didn't really know what topic to put this in.