Kassi. As you are not very specific with your request I will try to answer it. To make a character is usually very specific to a GM's setting of his world so you will need to find a group/game and build a character with them. If you are just seeking out a general character building discussion then I would recommend you picking out one of these reddit links (I'm listing a variety since you did not specify a system) below. /r/rpg /r/dnd /r/dndnext /r/ADND /r/Pathfinder_RPG /r/savageworlds /r/shadowrun /r/swrpg /r/40krpg /r/warhammerfantasyrpg /r/WhiteWolfRPG /r/LFG As this post is not related to the use of roll20 specifically, I will have to close and move it to the off-topic archives. Good luck and if you have a need on how a roll20 sheet is used or anything that is specific to roll20 GUI use, feel free to post in the specific use forums. If you are looking for a game the please post to any game listed in the LFG forum or even make a looking for a game post.