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Good Scripts to start with?

Hello! I'm just starting to import all the maps, monsters and make macros for everything for my campaign.  Before I got too far I thought I'd ask: A) What other GMs suggest for importing mobs.  I've used CreateMob before; is that still the best one?  B) If there are any other quality of life scripts that make things easier?  I've had issues tracking status (like poison), sickened for 2 rounds, etc... in the past.  C) Where did honey badger go with his awesome power cards?! D) It seems we now have one-click import for our API scripts now.  Are most of the scripts going to be moving towards this?  Any other thoughts regarding this? Thank you in advance, Suds
Sheet Author
API Scripter
C) HoneyBadger renamed himself SkyCaptainXIII. He's still around. =) D) The one-click install is absolutely the way to go for script authors moving towards the future. It makes your script so much more accessible, and it only requires any extra work if you want to make use of user options (and even that's not very much work).
B) &nbsp;The quality of life scripts I consider 'must use' are: &nbsp;GroupInitiative, TokenMod, TokenNameNumber. &nbsp;Get used to using them and a lot of things get easier. B.1) &nbsp;Aaron created a small, focused script for a request I had that would help w/ your "Sickened for 2 rounds" issue. &nbsp;It can be found in this thread: &nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> D) &nbsp;It depends on the author. &nbsp;Some will do the work necessary to make their scripts one-click accessible. &nbsp;Some will not. &nbsp;Aaron is currently working on getting his scripts set up for that.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Three of Swords said: D) &nbsp;It depends on the author. &nbsp;Some will do the work necessary to make their scripts one-click accessible. &nbsp;Some will not. &nbsp;Aaron is currently working on getting his scripts set up for that. ( Aaron is also moving to Indiana in ~1 month, which has thrown a monkey wrench in his timing, but he is none the less still working on it! =D )
Thank you guys these will help! &nbsp;I'll have to learn several of them but that's alright, it'll make for a better game all around. &nbsp;Huzzah that Sky Captain is still around! &nbsp;And thank you Aaron & Three of Swords &nbsp;That looks like it'll do nicely - I'll test it out this weekend. Sorry if it's obvious; what problem does 'TokenNameNumber' solve? I'm kind of surprised that more people aren't popping in to pontificate about their most beloved scripts. &nbsp;Then again I didn't pop in until I had a problem to solve either...
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sudain said: Sorry if it's obvious; what problem does 'TokenNameNumber' solve? It lets you give duplicate tokens numbers on their names to distinguish them. For example, instead of having 5 tokens named "Goblin Warrior", the script would rename them "Goblin Warrior 1", "Goblin Warrior 2", "Goblin Warrior 3", "Goblin Warrior 4", and "Goblin Warrior 5"
The Aaron said: Three of Swords said: D) &nbsp;It depends on the author. &nbsp;Some will do the work necessary to make their scripts one-click accessible. &nbsp;Some will not. &nbsp;Aaron is currently working on getting his scripts set up for that. ( Aaron is also moving to Indiana in ~1 month, which has thrown a monkey wrench in his timing, but he is none the less still working on it! =D ) Whereabouts in Indiana?
The Aaron
API Scripter
Greenwood, either 46143 or 46142. &nbsp;Both of my brothers live there... and GenCon! &nbsp;=D
Welcome to the neighborhood. I live north of Indy, but have family in Greenwood and actually grew up there for a time when I was a kid. And on topic... HoneyBadger is still here. ::waves:: Just consolidated usernames across various sites. Haven't really been active with scripting lately though 'cause of my own campaign starting up.
The Aaron
API Scripter

Edited 1463165484
Forum Champion
TokenMod is my most-used Script for setting up. I made my own Macros based on TokenMod, for a 1-button click to set up a new Monster Token, or a new Character token. The macro calls on TokenMod to preset everything on the Token like I want it (Auras, Dynamic Light settings, Name and Nameplate, Hit Points Bar including rolling the HP, visibility settings, etc). ColorEmote is my most-used Script in-game. I even let the Players use it directly, by setting up a Macro that calls on ColorEmote, and making the Macro a TokenAction that is visible to All Players. This lets you select a Token and have the token pictured in the chatroom with talking (whatever that Token wants to say). It makes the chatroom very colorful and visual with pictures of the faces and portraits of the Characters, PC, NPC, and Monsters who are talking. ColorEmote has absolutely changed the entire appearance of our Chatroom and made the Chat-side of the game more visual like the Map-side already is. Now it's FACES talking in the chatroom, not just Names with words. &nbsp;And I would like to emphasize again, it's not just me (the GM) putting Faces of monsters and NPC in the chat. It is also the Players speaking in-chat with the picture of their Character. &nbsp;This potentially brings a lot of new humor into the game, because GM can type a very funny statement that appears with an Orc's face in the chat, something that wouldn't be as funny if you say it out-loud by voice. &nbsp;Example, simply a chat-pic of an Orc's face token and it says "You Players are fugly!" and everyone laughs when it pops-up in the chat. In my experience, definitely the key to using these 2 API scripts effectively and efficiently --- Make your own Macro Buttons that call on the API commands. Once you learned which API commands you need/want to configure from that API. It's fine and neat if you can memorize the API commands and type them as-if command-line . &nbsp;But it quickly saves you time and lets GM (and potentially your Players) to use the API effects, if you make it a Macro button that is one-click on your screen at all times. &nbsp;The macro button also helps you remember what you can do with your installed API. Now, not every API benefits from a Macro. Some API don't need chatroom commands. &nbsp;But those that do use typed commands to affect something, and especially those that you wish to give Players the ability to trigger it, these are great hand-in-hand with Roll20's ability to save your own Macros as buttons.
Aaron & Sky Captain - When your scripts load they print a message saying they've loaded in the console. &nbsp;Simple but so very helpful when debugging.&nbsp; Aaron - Congrats on the move! &nbsp;I think. &nbsp;Without further context congratulations! Cap'n - Well, I want to personally say thank you very much. &nbsp;It has been an amazing lifesaver in my previous campaign and I know it'll be in this one too. &nbsp;I'm going to have to sit down and break apart some of the super-complex scripts people have posted to better understand it's full capabilities & what does what sometime. TokenNameNumber - Ahh... Okay; thank you. &nbsp;That was never a problem before, but with this new campaign I know it will be; so that's good to have! &nbsp;:D Gold & TokenMod - Excellent; that's what I was thinking about using it for as well. &nbsp;Glad to know great minds think alike. &nbsp;*looks at your avatar* &nbsp;Fitting in light of that last comment. &nbsp;:) ColorEmote - That is awesome, thank you very much! &nbsp;I will certainly add that into my campaign and give players access to it (like you did). &nbsp;Thank you very much!
Forum Champion
Sudain said: Gold & TokenMod - Excellent; that's what I was thinking about using it for as well. &nbsp;Glad to know great minds think alike. &nbsp;*looks at your avatar* &nbsp;Fitting in light of that last comment. &nbsp;:) ColorEmote - That is awesome, thank you very much! &nbsp;I will certainly add that into my campaign and give players access to it (like you did). &nbsp;Thank you very much! Here is my Macro code to make a button for ColorEmote... Set this as a Token Action visibility: All Players, to let your Players use this for their Characters in the chat room. &nbsp;Extra Credit: this pops up a field where GM or Player can type what they say. &nbsp;Bonus Points: This uses the new Roll20 special effects to highlight the on-map token who is talking in-chat! /fx glow-charm !cem @{selected|token_name} says: "?{WHAT WILL YOU SAY?}"
It's amazing how when I was going through the API list and seeing some of them and I'm like, "M'eh", and then hear how someone describes how they use them and then I'm like, "Cool". ColorEmote sounds interesting but I need something to be able to whisper to multiple players, like those who were successful in their Perception check to notice something. For my part, I use TokenMod for status markers (conditions) and vision parameters, Bloodandhonor for splashy blood effects when tokens take damage and TokenAction, a now out of date script for the 5E shaped sheet to set token action macros (including the very handy Spellbook) so I don't have to navigate through NPC sheets. I just click on the token and click on a token action button to roll initiative or an attack, etc. I also use tokennamenumber in a couple of my games to auto number the tokens when I drag them to the map. Very Cool. My thanks to all the scriptomancers who put in the time and effort to create these scripts to make my life easier.

Edited 1463191381
I know! &nbsp;My imagination is only so big, so hearing what other people are doing is great! &nbsp;:) And yes, props to all the great scripters. &nbsp;:)

Edited 1463335614
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
I am probably biased, but I just finished what I think is a cool script.&nbsp; Page Navigator allows you to move players between maps without having to scroll through the page banner continuously. It can be triggered either by having a token collide with a designated GMlayer token (in which case the GM is prompted on whether to move all players, just those currently in the player ribbon, or only the controllers of the triggering token to the appropriate map. It can also be triggered with an API command that brings up a list of API buttons in chat that you can click on to send players to that map. I also found that my campaign was bogging down because my players wouldn't be able to see around a corner or what not when using line of sight dynamic lighting, but I didn't want to put all character tokens as controlled by all players, so I made&nbsp; ShareVision&nbsp; to allow characters to share what they can see. I would also highly recommend The Aaron's Torch script for some nice mood lighting and easy control of actions like lighting/dousing a torch, and triggering a light spell.
Does Page Navigator move the GM as well, or have the option to move the GM? &nbsp;If so that may solve the issue of having hundreds of maps that I'm going to be running up against. &nbsp;:D &nbsp;Thank you very much! &nbsp;:) I'll have to check out the torch script and see what it does, thank you very much!
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
Unfortunately, it does not. As far as I know, the API doesn't have access to the GM's current page info, so it can't tell where the GM is let alone do anything to that information. As soon as the API is capable of referencing the GM page, I'll be updating it to have this functionality though.
The Aaron
API Scripter
Correct, the API is incapable of moving the GM.
Good to know, thank you. &nbsp;Is there a way to add macros & abilities from the CLI? I'm adding the same 5 macros to every mob. &nbsp;Trying to something similar to token-mod suggestion above.
Use the campaign macros tab and target the monster tokens with @{selected