I think that is the proper title or as close as I can get to it. I'm sure there are few people who want to join a campaign but simply fear getting a few things or everything wrong. The idea of not knowing anything and/or lacking the funding/ability to hunt down most of the relevant material is like a major roadblock. Another stone in the road is the question of compatibility. "Will it work on my machine?" I'm just listing fears that are eating at me but I'm sure there are other reasons not being said. I won't say I'm quick, I learn best by doing and text wall instructions leave me confused for days which is why I'm asking for the simple. Where can I find enough basic information to be able to not be a lost puppy? If I ever have the funds to afford a solid book or file download, where do I look? Is there an easy to get to sample interface so I know if it will work on my poor sickly old computer? I REALLY don't want to feel like the third wheel on a unicycle. Any advice to help with the nerves after bulking up the bravery and applying for a role? Umm... now that I think of it. Do I need to have a character sheet all premade and up for review? Cake or Pie? I'm going to stop now because my nerves are getting to me and I go weird...well, weirder when I'm unnerved.