1. Some type of comment section or communication with the Creator Example: Hey, I see there are Map tiles for each token of a Boat with a Sail, but not a token for every deck of each Boat. The problem is that you have a custom water background for each Map tile, and the lower decks for every Boat is a Map tile with that custom water background. Could you include a token or tile without the background, so I can use my own water? 2. Purchasing only one token or tile in a pack Example: Man all I need is one Dragonborn Fighter wearing armor and holding a shield, but if I buy the whole pack I'll be buying 48 other Dragonborn that I may never use. That's mostly it for my suggestions on the Market Place. I also have some things you could maybe add to the Free Token/Tile Market Place? 1. Creators uploading maps with their own custom grids drawn onto it should have to edit the map to make the grids to line up with Roll20's grid system, or work on the "Align to Grid" tool thing. Example: Oh hey, a cool map. Oh, the far left column has 0.34 of a block and the far right has 0.61 of a block. Well now I have to make this a Drawing and play with it for a few hours until I can get it aligned, or just I can just find a new one that will not be as great :/ 2. Creators uploading single walls, furniture, Tokens, etc. that leave the object's solid white should have to change it to Transparent. Example: OH A WAGON, ITS PERFECT! WHY IS THE BACKGROUND SOLID WHITE? Now it looks like it's standing on a perfect block of snow in the middle of a Cobblestone street! Why? Just why? Do you guys agree or disagree with my ideas? I know the ones affecting the Creators with paid content might not go through, but I'd like it too so I can spend more money on packs with 3 or 4 things I like out of 30 total. Or maybe with 20 or 25 things I like out of 30 total, because the Creator's original background is gone and the background is transparent.