Hello! I am a veteran Pathfinder/5e player and I am looking for a game to join. I've been playing Pathfinder for a little bit over 3 years and I've DMed Pathfinder games. I've played in a short-lived 5e game recently and a longer game before and would like to play more of it. Before that, I used to play AD&D and 3.5e. Any of those systems would be fine with me, but I'd like to do more 5e. I am also open to trying a new system like Stars without Numbers or Shadowrun. I live in the Pacific Timezone, and I am available pretty much all day on Sundays and Mondays, and Wednesday and Saturday evenings. I prefer games focused on roleplaying with funny characters, but I am open to a more serious game too. I tend to play whatever the party is lacking, as I have no preference between characters types (but I do know more about casters since I've played more of them over the years).