I tried I search but didn't turn anything up that seemed to be what I'm trying to do. I have an auto calc field, that I need to turn into a max of 98 The line I have is: <input class="sheet-sdinputbox" type="text" style="width:40px;" name="attr_OCCTs" value="@{SECSKp}+(@{SECSKpl}*(@{LEVEL}-@{SECSKLV}))" disabled="true"> This figures out their percentage on a skill based on: BASE+(PER LEVEL * (LEVEL - LEVEL LEARNED)) Problem is that can calculate to over 98, and the max a skill can get is 98% Is there a way to tell an auto calc to set itself to X, if total is > X? (If there is a way to do min too, that would solve another issue I have).