So since all the tiles are smart objects, I made it way easier to construct walls (which have the basic versions done, I still need to add cracks and moss layers) by making a "Label" layer like I did for the floor tiles, but also including an outline so you can recognize how everything is put together, and once it is, you turn it off. A line for the inside corner of walls will need to be drawn manually, because while I could get the outside corner to look nice automatically, the same is not true for the inside corner without dark lines doubling up and looking gross. EDIT : Here are 100% of the elements used, it's surprisingly little but the careful design lets you put it together to get what you see up there. EDIT 2 : Okay here's the version with the walls complete and all the elements organized with the label layers turned on: [The Grid.psd] Anyone feel free to try putting together a simple map, remember that walls can't really be in front of other elements for basic maps (because of ordering issues, it's not actually 3d space) and to turn the labels off, double click the icon for the layer and it'll open up it's own thing, hit the eye for the label layer and save/close. EDIT 3 : Still some stuff to clean up, but for the most part, this WORKS. Now to make some creatures that aren't skeletons.