I believe I found a bug in adding repeating field buttons to the macro bar. Rolling from the sheet is fine, when added to the bar it debugs in the log totally different. My sheet feildset is this: <fieldset class="repeating_occsk">
<button class="sheet-blank" type='roll' value='!rb 1d100 @{OCCT} ?{Modifier|0} ?{Blind|Y} @{OCCSK}' name='roll_SkillCheck' /></button>
<input type="text" style="width:15px; background:#777; color:#fff;" name="attr_OCCSKLV" value=1>
<input class="sheet-skill" type="text" name="attr_OCCSK" >
<input class="sheet-baseinputbox" type="number" name="attr_OCCSKP">
<input class="sheet-perinputbox" type="number" name="attr_OCCSKPL">
<input disabled="true" type="hidden" type="number" name="attr_min_OCCs" value="@{min_IQ}+@{OCCSKP}+(@{OCCSKPL}*(@{LEVEL}-@{OCCSKLV}))" />
<input disabled="true" type="hidden" type="number" name="attr_min_OCCt" value="(((@{min_OCCs} + 98) - abs(@{min_OCCs} - 98) ) / 2)" />
<input class="sheet-sdinputbox" type="text" style="width:40px;" name="attr_OCCT" value="@{min_OCCt}" disabled="true">
The math for figure out the last row, OCCT is a bit complex. When rolling from the sheet. the msgFormula sent by the first row (the button) whos value is: !rb 1d100 @{OCCT} ?{Modifier|0} ?{Blind|Y} @{OCCSK} returns API log of: ["!rb","1d100","92","0","Y","Spanish"] Which is correct. But when dragging to the macro bar, logs in API as: ["!rb","1d100","(((((((11-14)","+","0)","+","abs((11-14)","-","0))","/","2)+92+(0*(1-1))","+","98)","-","abs(((((11-14)","+","0)","+","abs((11-14)","-","0))","/","2)+92+(0*(1-1))","-","98)",")","/","2)","0","Y","Spanish"] The only difference in usage is: First one I click on the sheet itself Second I dragged to macro bar and clicked. Gif showing the issue, the 2 rolls from the sheet work, the 3rd on bar doesn't: